103 - Petitioner's affidavit.
§ 103. Petitioner's affidavit. An affidavit, in the following form, subscribed and taken by the petitioner, before the county judge, or, in the city of New York, before a justice of the supreme court, must be annexed to the schedule: "I, ---------, do swear" (or "affirm, " as the case may be,) "that the matters of fact, stated in the schedule hereto annexed, are, in all respects, just and true; that I have not, at any time, or in any manner whatsoever, disposed of or made over any part of my property, not exempt by express provision of law from levy and sale by virtue of an execution, for the future benefit of myself or my family, or disposed of or made over any part of my property, in order to defraud any of my creditors; and that I have not paid, secured to be paid, or in any way compounded with, any of my creditors, with a view that they or any of them should abstain from opposing my discharge."