65 - Provisional appointments.

§ 65. Provisional       appointments. 1. Provisional      appointments  authorized.  Whenever there is no appropriate  eligible  list  available  for  filling  a vacancy in the competitive class, the appointing officer  may nominate a person to the state civil service department or municipal  commission for non-competitive examination, and if such nominee shall be  certified by such department or municipal commission as qualified  after  such  non-competitive  examination, he may be appointed provisionally to  fill such vacancy until a selection and appointment can  be  made  after  competitive examination. Such non-competitive examination may consist of  a   review   and  evaluation  of  the  training,  experience  and  other  qualifications  of  the  nominee,  without  written,   oral   or   other  performance tests.    2.   Time  limitation  on  provisional  appointments.  No  provisional  appointment shall continue for a period in excess of  nine  months.  The  civil  service  department  shall  for  competitive positions within its  jurisdiction,  and  a  municipal  civil  service  commission  shall  for  competitive  positions  within  its  jurisdiction, order a civil service  examination for any position  held  by  provisional  appointment  for  a  period  of  one  month and such department or commission shall conduct a  civil service examination, or see that such an examination is conducted,  as soon as practicable thereafter, in order to prevent  the  provisional  appointment from continuing for a period in excess of nine months.    3.  Termination of provisional appointments. A provisional appointment  to any position shall be terminated  within  two  months  following  the  establishment  of  an appropriate eligible list for filling vacancies in  such positions; provided, however, that where there are a  large  number  of  provisional appointees in any department or agency in the service of  the state or any civil division thereof  to  be  replaced  by  permanent  appointees  from  a  newly established eligible list, and the appointing  officer or body deems that the termination of the employment of all such  provisional appointees within two months following establishment of such  list would disrupt or impair essential public services, evidence thereof  may be presented to the civil service department or municipal commission  having jurisdiction which, after due inquiry, and upon finding  that  it  is  in the best interest of the public service, may waive the provisions  of this subdivision requiring  the  termination  of  the  employment  of  provisional  appointees within two months following the establishment of  an appropriate eligible  list  and  authorize  the  termination  of  the  employment  of  various numbers of such provisional appointees at stated  intervals prescribed by such commission; provided, however, that  in  no  case shall the employment of any such provisional appointee be continued  longer  than  four  months  following the establishment of such eligible  list.    4.  Successive  provisional   appointments.   Successive   provisional  appointments shall not be made to the same position after the expiration  of the authorized period of the original provisional appointment to such  position; provided, however, that where an examination for a position or  group  of  positions  fails  to  produce  a  list  adequate  to fill all  positions then held on a  provisional  basis,  or  where  such  list  is  exhausted  immediately  following  its  establishment, a new provisional  appointment may be made to  any  such  position  remaining  unfilled  by  permanent  appointment, and such new provisional appointment may, in the  discretion of the appointing authority, be given to a current or  former  provisional  appointee in such position, except that a current or former  provisional appointee who becomes eligible for permanent appointment  to  any  such  position shall, if he is then to be continued in or appointed  to any such position be afforded permanent appointment to such position.* 5.  Plan  for  addressing  excess  provisional   appointments.   (a)  Definition.  For  purposes  of  this subdivision, "DCAS employers" shall  mean (i) the city of New York; and (ii) any other entities  whose  civil  service   and  examinations  are  administered  by  the  New  York  city  department  of citywide administrative services ("DCAS"), and who opt to  participate in this section by written notice to  the  state  commission  within  thirty days of the effective date of this subdivision. Notice of  such option shall constitute a delegation to DCAS to act  on  behalf  of  the  entity  providing  the  notice  pursuant  to  this subdivision. All  subsequent  communications  from  the  DCAS  employers  to   the   state  commission  pursuant  to  this  subdivision  shall  be  provided  by the  commissioner of DCAS on  behalf  of  such  employers,  and  all  notices  provided  to  the  DCAS  employers pursuant to this subdivision shall be  provided to the commissioner of DCAS.    (b) Plan for  provisional  employees.  Within  sixty  days  after  the  effective  date  of  the chapter of the laws of two thousand seven which  added this subdivision, the DCAS employers shall be required  to  submit  to  the  state  commission  for  its  approval  a  single  plan,  to  be  implemented within five years of its approval by the  state  commission,  to  substantially comply with the time periods permitted by subdivisions  one, two,  three  and  four  of  this  section.  For  purposes  of  this  subdivision,  "substantial  compliance" shall mean that the total number  of  competitive  class  positions  of  the  DCAS  employers  filled   by  provisional   appointments   that  have  continued  beyond  the  periods  permitted by subdivisions one, two, three and four of this section shall  not exceed five percent. Such plan may include, but shall not be limited  to, a schedule for administration of examinations and  establishment  of  eligible  lists,  a  determination of additional appropriate existing or  planned eligible lists that may be used, consolidation of titles through  appropriate reclassification, and any other lawful and appropriate means  of  implementation.  The  plan  shall  be   supported   by   appropriate  documentation and explanation, and the information contained in the plan  shall  be  confirmed by the commissioner of DCAS as accurate to the best  of his or her knowledge, based on a reasonable inquiry by DCAS into  the  facts set forth therein.    (c)  Approval  by the state commission. Within one hundred twenty days  of submission of a plan by the  DCAS  employers,  the  state  commission  shall  approve  the  plan, approve the plan with recommended changes, or  disapprove the plan. If the state commission takes none of these actions  within such period, it shall be deemed to have approved the plan. At any  time when  the  state  commission  is  considering  a  plan,  the  state  commission   may   request   additional   supporting   documentation  or  explanation. Pending the receipt of  such  supporting  documentation  or  explanation,   the   time   period  for  state  commission  approval  or  disapproval of the plan  shall  be  tolled.  The  failure  of  the  DCAS  employers  to  provide  materially  accurate  information, or reasonably  available documentation or reasonable explanation upon  request  by  the  state  commission within sixty days, shall be grounds for disapproval of  the plan. If the changes recommended by the  state  commission  are  not  accepted  by  the  DCAS  employers within thirty days, the plan shall be  deemed disapproved. The state commission shall approve the  plan  if  it  finds  that,  consistent  with  available  resources  and  the  need for  continuity in public services, such submitted plan provides a timely and  practicable implementation schedule in furtherance of  the  purposes  of  this  subdivision.  In the event that a plan has been disapproved, a new  or modified plan shall be submitted to the state commission within sixty  days. The state commission shall within ninety  days  thereafter  either  approve  the  new  or  modified  plan, approve the plan with recommendedchanges or disapprove the new or modified plan. If the  changes  to  the  new  or  modified  plan  recommended  by  the  state  commission are not  accepted by the DCAS employers within thirty days,  the  plan  shall  be  deemed  disapproved. If the state commission takes none of these actions  within such period, it shall be deemed to have approved the plan. At any  time when the state commission is considering a new  or  modified  plan,  the  state commission may request additional supporting documentation or  explanation.  Pending  receipt  of  such  supporting  documentation   or  explanation,   the   time   period  for  state  commission  approval  or  disapproval of such new  plan  or  modification  shall  be  tolled.  The  failure   of   the   DCAS  employers  to  provide  reasonably  available  documentation or reasonable  explanation  in  relation  to  the  new  or  modified  plan  upon  request by the state commission within thirty days  shall  be  grounds  for  disapproval  of  the  new  or  modified   plan.  Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provision  of this subdivision, this  subdivision shall no longer be in force and effect if no plan  has  been  approved  by  the  state  commission  within  eighteen  months  from the  effective date of the chapter of the laws of two  thousand  seven  which  added this subdivision.    (d)  Modifications  of the plan. During the course of implementing the  plan developed and approved in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of  this subdivision, if the DCAS employers determine that there is  a  need  to  modify the plan, they shall submit a request for modification of the  plan  to  the  state  commission.  Such   request   shall   detail   the  circumstances  that have arisen necessitating the request, including but  not limited to unforeseen demands upon resources,  unforeseen  projected  impacts  upon  the  provision  of  public  services,  or  a finding that  implementation  of  any  part  of  the  plan  is  impracticable,  unduly  burdensome  or otherwise likely to prevent the successful implementation  of the plan or any aspect thereof. The state commission shall  act  upon  the request for modification within sixty days. The state commission may  in  its  discretion  approve  the modification, approve the modification  with recommended changes,  or  disapprove  the  modification;  provided,  however,  that  if  the  state  commission  takes  no action within such  period, it shall be  deemed  to  have  approved  the  modification,  and  provided further that if the changes recommended by the state commission  are  not  accepted  by  the  DCAS  employers  within  thirty  days,  the  modification  shall   be   deemed   disapproved.   Notwithstanding   any  inconsistent  provision  of  this  paragraph,  where  a  modification is  insubstantial, and will not materially affect the ability  of  the  DCAS  employers to achieve timely substantial compliance with the time periods  permitted  by this section, DCAS may so certify and the modification may  be implemented and shall be filed by  DCAS  with  the  state  commission  within  five business days. In the event that a request for modification  is disapproved, the plan previously in effect shall  remain  in  effect,  provided  that  the DCAS employers may at any time submit a new proposed  modification. Any modification approved pursuant to this  paragraph  may  extend the duration of a plan to a date no more than one year beyond the  five-year period authorized by paragraph (b) of this subdivision.    (e)  Plan  implementation. Upon approval of a plan or any modification  thereof, such plan or modification shall be binding upon, and  shall  be  implemented  by,  the  DCAS employers. If the state commission concludes  that the DCAS employers have failed to comply with their plan, the state  commission shall provide them with notice through DCAS of such  finding,  including  whether the failure is alleged to be persistent and material,  and thirty days to respond. If, upon review of such response, the  state  commission   concludes   that   the   DCAS   employers   are   still  in  non-compliance, it shall so inform DCAS and may then in  its  discretiontake  such  measures  as  it  deems necessary to bring about compliance,  including  precluding  one  or  more  DCAS  employers  from  making  any  additional provisional appointments to positions directly related to the  finding  of  non-compliance,  or  taking  such other measures, including  seeking equitable relief in a court action, as may be authorized by law.  In the event that the state commission has informed DCAS of  a  specific  finding  of persistent and material non-compliance, then, in addition to  any other authorized measures, it may (i)  preclude  one  or  more  DCAS  employers   from  making  any  additional  provisional  appointments  to  positions directly related to the finding  of  persistent  and  material  non-compliance,  or  to  positions  in  the particular city agencies, or  public entities other  than  the  city,  in  which  the  persistent  and  material  non-compliance  has been found, or (ii) revoke its approval of  the plan, or any part thereof. In the event of revocation of  the  plan,  this  subdivision  shall  no  longer  have  any  force and effect. Where  applicable,  enforcement  remedies  utilized  by  the  state  commission  pursuant  to  this  paragraph  shall  be directed at the particular city  agency, or public entity other than the city, that the state  commission  finds to have caused the finding of non-compliance.    (f)  Time  limitation.  Notwithstanding  any inconsistent provision of  this chapter or any other law or rule to the contrary, the provisions of  subdivision two of this section shall not apply to DCAS  employers  upon  the  effective  date  of  the  chapter of the laws of two thousand seven  which added this subdivision, and during the timely submission, approval  and implementation of a plan in accordance with paragraphs (b), (c)  and  (e)  of  this  subdivision.  The  provisions  of subdivision two of this  section shall be applicable to any provisional  employee  serving  in  a  position  for  which  an  appropriate eligible list has been established  pursuant to such plan, unless such list is  not  adequate  to  fill  all  positions  then  held on a provisional basis or is exhausted immediately  following its establishment.    (g) Agreements governing disciplinary procedures. Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provision  of this chapter or any other law or rule to the  contrary, any DCAS employer and an employee organization, as  such  term  is  defined  in  article  fourteen  of  this  chapter,  may  enter  into  agreements to provide disciplinary procedures applicable to  provisional  appointees  or  categories  thereof  who  have  served  for  a period of  twenty-four months or more in a position which is  covered  by  such  an  agreement.   No   such  provisional  employee  shall  be  deemed  to  be  permanently  appointed  under   such   circumstances,   nor   may   such  disciplinary  procedures be deemed to preclude removal of an employee as  a result of the establishment of and appointments  from  an  appropriate  eligible list or in accordance with any other provision of law. Any such  agreement  may  apply upon the effective date of the chapter of the laws  of two thousand seven which  added  this  subdivision,  and  during  the  timely  submission,  approval and implementation of a plan in accordance  with paragraphs (b), (c) and (e) of  this  subdivision,  and  shall  not  apply  to  any  provisional  employee serving in a position for which an  appropriate eligible list  has  been  established  pursuant  to  a  plan  approved  in  accordance  with  this subdivision unless such list is not  adequate to fill all positions then held on a provisional  basis  or  is  exhausted immediately following its establishment.    * NB Repealed December 31, 2014    * 6.   Costs.  For  purposes  of  this  subdivision,  the  term  "DCAS  employers" shall have the same  meaning  as  that  term  is  defined  in  subdivision five of this section. The department is hereby authorized to  charge  the  city of New York for the services and costs associated with  approving and monitoring any plan submitted by the  DCAS  employers.  Nolater  than December first, two thousand eight and each year thereafter,  the department shall estimate the amount necessary, for the entirety  of  that  state  fiscal year, to reimburse the department's costs related to  the  review  of  such  plan, and shall submit the estimated costs to the  department of city administrative services not  to  exceed  six  hundred  thousand dollars. The city of New York shall pay such estimated costs to  the  department  by December fifteenth, two thousand eight and each year  thereafter. To the extent, in any  year,  actual  costs  for  the  state  fiscal  year  differ  from those estimated by the department and paid by  the city of New York, the variance shall be reflected as  an  additional  charge  or  a  credit  within  the  estimated  costs  submitted  by  the  department in the following year, so long as the total amount payable to  the department for any year's cost does not exceed six hundred  thousand  dollars.  The  city of New York may charge any DCAS employer that is not  an agency of the city of New York a share of the  costs  the  department  charged to the city under this subdivision. The percentage of costs that  may  be  charged  to any DCAS employer shall be determined based on that  employer's share of the total  number  of  competitive  class  positions  filled   by  provisional  appointments  reflected  in  the  most  recent  department  of  city  administrative  services  plan   submitted   under  subdivision  five  of  this  section.  In the event the city of New York  shall not have made such required payments by  December  fifteenth,  two  thousand  eight and each year thereafter, the commissioner shall certify  the unpaid amount to the state comptroller, and the  comptroller  shall,  to the extent not otherwise prohibited by law, withhold such amount from  the  next  succeeding payment of per capita assistance to be apportioned  to the city of New York.    * NB Repealed December 31, 2014.