Article 71 - (7101 - 7112) RECOVERY OF CHATTEL
- 7101 - When action may be brought.
- 7102 - Seizure of chattel on behalf of plaintiff.
- 7103 - Reclaiming, impounding or returning chattel.
- 7104 - Seizing, reclaiming or returning less than all chattels.
- 7105 - Sale of perishable property.
- 7106 - Payment of sheriff's fees and expenses; liability of sheriff.
- 7107 - Sheriff's return.
- 7108 - Judgment; execution in certain cases; enforcement by contempt.
- 7109 - Unique chattel.
- 7110 - Sheriff's powers.
- 7111 - Action on undertaking.
- 7112 - Testimony by deposition to ascertain location of chattel.