2401 - Order when publication cannot be made.

§  2401.  Order  when  publication cannot be made. 1. Where because of  circumstances beyond  the  control  of  a  party  required  to  publish,  publication  required by any statute, rule or court order cannot be made  or completed in the specified place or newspaper in the required manner,  the court may by order require such other publication as will not unduly  prejudice any other party.    2. Notwithstanding the  provisions  of  paragraph  1,  if  publication  required  by  any  statute,  rule  or court order has been commenced and  cannot  be  completed  because  of  the  suspension  or  termination  of  publication  by  a  newspaper, publication may be completed in any other  newspaper which complies  with  the  statute,  rule,  or  order  without  further court order.