440.65 - Notice to child protective agency of conviction for certain crimes against a child.

§ 440.65 Notice  to  child  protective  agency of conviction for certain             crimes against a child.    Upon conviction of any person for a crime under  article  one  hundred  twenty,  article  one  hundred  twenty-five, article one hundred thirty,  article two hundred sixty or article  two  hundred  sixty-three  of  the  penal  law  committed  against  a  child  under the age of eighteen by a  person legally responsible for such child,  as  defined  in  subdivision  three  of  section  four  hundred twelve of the social services law, the  district attorney serving the jurisdiction in which such  conviction  is  entered  shall notify the local child protective services agency of such  conviction including the name of the defendant, the name of  the  child,  the  court  case  number and the name of the prosecutor who appeared for  the people.