440.50 - Notice to crime victims of case disposition.

§ 440.50 Notice to crime victims of case disposition.    1.  Upon  the  request  of a victim of a crime, or in any event in all  cases in which the final disposition includes a conviction of a  violent  felony  offense as defined in section 70.02 of the penal law or a felony  defined in article one hundred twenty-five of  such  law,  the  district  attorney  shall, within sixty days of the final disposition of the case,  inform the victim by letter of such final  disposition.  If  such  final  disposition results in the commitment of the defendant to the custody of  the  department  of correctional services for an indeterminate sentence,  the notice provided to the crime victim shall also inform the victim  of  his  or  her right to submit a written, audiotaped, or videotaped victim  impact statement to the state division of parole or to  meet  personally  with  a member of the state board of parole at a time and place separate  from the personal interview between a member or members of the board and  the inmate  and  make  such  a  statement,  subject  to  procedures  and  limitations   contained   in  rules  of  the  board,  both  pursuant  to  subdivision two of section two hundred  fifty-nine-i  of  the  executive  law.  The right of the victim under this subdivision to submit a written  victim impact statement or to meet personally with a member of the state  board of parole applies to each personal interview between a  member  or  members of the board and the inmate.    2.  As  used  in  this  section,  "victim" means any person alleged or  found, upon the record, to have sustained physical or  financial  injury  to  person  or  property  as  a  direct result of the crime charged or a  person alleged or found to have sustained, upon the record,  an  offense  under  article  one hundred thirty of the penal law, or in the case of a  homicide or minor child, the victim's family.    3. As used in this section,  "final  disposition"  means  an  ultimate  termination  of  the  case at the trial level including, but not limited  to, dismissal, acquittal, or imposition of sentence by the court,  or  a  decision  by the district attorney, for whatever reason, to not file the  case.