240.20 - Discovery; upon demand of defendant.

§ 240.20  Discovery; upon demand of defendant.    1.  Except  to  the  extent protected by court order, upon a demand to  produce by a  defendant  against  whom  an  indictment,  superior  court  information,   prosecutor's   information,  information,  or  simplified  information charging a misdemeanor  is  pending,  the  prosecutor  shall  disclose   to   the   defendant   and  make  available  for  inspection,  photographing, copying or testing, the following property:    (a)  Any written, recorded or oral statement of the defendant, and  of  a  co-defendant  to  be tried jointly, made, other than in the course of  the criminal transaction, to a public servant engaged in law enforcement  activity  or  to  a  person  then  acting  under  his  direction  or  in  cooperation with him;    (b)    Any  transcript of testimony relating to the criminal action or  proceeding pending against the defendant, given by the defendant, or  by  a co-defendant to be tried jointly, before any grand jury;    (c)   Any written report or document, or portion thereof, concerning a  physical or  mental  examination,  or  scientific  test  or  experiment,  relating  to  the criminal action or proceeding which was made by, or at  the request or direction of a public servant engaged in law  enforcement  activity,  or  which was made by a person whom the prosecutor intends to  call as a witness at trial, or which the people intend to  introduce  at  trial;    (d)    Any  photograph  or  drawing relating to the criminal action or  proceeding which was made or completed by a public  servant  engaged  in  law  enforcement  activity,  or  which  was  made  by  a person whom the  prosecutor intends to call as a witness at trial, or  which  the  people  intend to introduce at trial;    (e)  Any photograph, photocopy or other reproduction made by or at the  direction of a police  officer,  peace  officer  or  prosecutor  of  any  property  prior  to  its  release  pursuant to the provisions of section  450.10 of the penal law, irrespective of whether the  people  intend  to  introduce  at  trial  the property or the photograph, photocopy or other  reproduction.    (f)  Any other property obtained from the defendant, or a co-defendant  to be tried jointly;    (g)  Any tapes or other electronic  recordings  which  the  prosecutor  intends  to  introduce  at trial, irrespective of whether such recording  was made during the course of the criminal transaction;    (h)   Anything required to  be  disclosed,  prior  to  trial,  to  the  defendant  by the prosecutor, pursuant to the constitution of this state  or of the United States.    (i) The approximate date, time and place of the offense charged and of  defendant's arrest.    (j) In any prosecution under penal law section 156.05 or  156.10,  the  time,  place  and  manner of notice given pursuant to subdivision six of  section 156.00 of such law.    (k) in any prosecution  commenced  in  a  manner  set  forth  in  this  subdivision  alleging  a  violation  of  the vehicle and traffic law, in  addition to any material required  to  be  disclosed  pursuant  to  this  article,  any  other provision of law, or the constitution of this state  or of the United States, any written  report  or  document,  or  portion  thereof,  concerning  a  physical  examination,  a  scientific  test  or  experiment,  including  the  most  recent  record  of   inspection,   or  calibration  or  repair  of  machines or instruments utilized to perform  such scientific tests or experiments and the certification  certificate,  if  any,  held by the operator of the machine or instrument, which tests  or examinations were made by or at the request or direction of a  public  servant  engaged  in  law  enforcement  activity  or which was made by aperson whom the prosecutor intends to call as a  witness  at  trial,  or  which the people intend to introduce at trial.    2.    The  prosecutor  shall  make  a  diligent,  good faith effort to  ascertain the existence of demanded property and to cause such  property  to be made available for discovery where it exists but is not within the  prosecutor's   possession,   custody  or  control;  provided,  that  the  prosecutor shall not be required  to  obtain  by  subpoena  duces  tecum  demanded material which the defendant may thereby obtain.