200.62 - Indictment; special information for child sexual assault offender.

§ 200.62 Indictment;   special  information  for  child  sexual  assault             offender.    1. Whenever a person is  charged  with  the  commission  or  attempted  commission  of  an  offense defined in article one hundred thirty of the  penal law which constitutes a felony and it appears that the  victim  of  such  offense  was  less  than fifteen years old, an indictment for such  offense may be accompanied  by  a  special  information,  filed  by  the  district attorney with the court, alleging that the victim was less than  fifteen  years  old  at  the  time  of  the  commission  of the offense;  provided, however, that such an information need not be filed  when  the  age of the victim is an element of the offense.    2.  Prior  to trial, or after the commencement of the trial but before  the close of the people's case, the court, in the absence of  the  jury,  must  arraign  the defendant upon such information and advise him or her  that he or she may admit  such  allegation,  deny  it  or  remain  mute.  Depending  upon  the  defendant's  response, the trial of the indictment  must proceed as follows:    (a) If the defendant admits that the  alleged  victim  was  less  than  fifteen  years old at the time of the commission or attempted commission  of the offense, that allegation shall  be  deemed  established  for  all  subsequent  purposes,  including sentencing pursuant to section 70.07 of  the penal law.    (b) If the defendant denies  such  allegation  or  remains  mute,  the  people  may,  by  proof beyond a reasonable doubt, prove before the jury  or, where the defendant has waived a jury trial,  the  court,  that  the  alleged  victim  was  less  than  fifteen  years  old at the time of the  commission or attempted commission of the offense.    (c) Nothing in this subdivision shall prevent the people, in  a  trial  before  the  court  or  a jury, from making reference to and introducing  evidence of the victim's age.    3. Where a jury, pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision two of  this  section,  makes  the  determination of whether the alleged victim of the  offense was less than fifteen years old, such jury  shall  consider  and  render  its  verdict on such issue only after rendering its verdict with  regard to the offense.    4. A determination pursuant to this section that the victim  was  less  than  fifteen  years  old  at  the time of the commission of the offense  shall be binding in any future proceeding in which the issue  may  arise  unless   the  underlying  conviction  or  determination  is  vacated  or  reversed.