190.85 - Grand jury; grand jury reports.

§ 190.85 Grand jury; grand jury reports.    1. The grand jury may submit to the court by which it was impaneled, a  report:    (a)    Concerning misconduct, non-feasance or neglect in public office  by a public servant as the basis for  a  recommendation  of  removal  or  disciplinary action; or    (b)   Stating that after investigation of a public servant it finds no  misconduct, non-feasance or neglect in office by him provided that  such  public servant has requested the submission of such report; or    (c)      Proposing   recommendations  for  legislative,  executive  or  administrative action in the public interest based upon stated findings.    2.  The court to which such report is submitted shall examine  it  and  the  minutes  of  the  grand  jury  and, except as otherwise provided in  subdivision four, shall make an order accepting and filing  such  report  as  a public record only if the court is satisfied that it complies with  the provisions of subdivision one and that:    (a)  The report is based upon facts  revealed  in  the  course  of  an  investigation  authorized  by  section  190.55  and  is supported by the  preponderance of the credible and legally admissible evidence; and    (b)   When the report  is  submitted  pursuant  to  paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision  one,  that  each  person  named  therein  was  afforded  an  opportunity to testify before the grand jury prior to the filing of such  report, and when the report is submitted pursuant to  paragraph  (b)  or  (c)  of  subdivision  one,  it  is  not  critical  of  an  identified or  identifiable person.    3.   The order  accepting  a  report  pursuant  to  paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision  one, and the report itself, must be sealed by the court and  may not be filed as a public  record,  or  be  subject  to  subpoena  or  otherwise  be made public until at least thirty-one days after a copy of  the order and the report are  served  upon  each  public  servant  named  therein,  or if an appeal is taken pursuant to section 190.90, until the  affirmance of the order accepting the report, or until reversal  of  the  order  sealing the report, or until dismissal of the appeal of the named  public servant by the appellate division, whichever occurs later.   Such  public  servant  may  file with the clerk of the court an answer to such  report, not later than twenty days after service of the order and report  upon him.  Such an answer shall plainly and concisely  state  the  facts  and law constituting the defense of the public servant to the charges in  said  report,  and, except for those parts of the answer which the court  may determine to be  scandalously  or  prejudicially  and  unnecessarily  inserted  therein,  shall  become  an appendix to the report.   Upon the  expiration of the time set  forth  in  this  subdivision,  the  district  attorney  shall  deliver a true copy of such report, and the appendix if  any, for appropriate action, to  each  public  servant  or  body  having  removal  or  disciplinary  authority  over  each  public  servant  named  therein.    4.  Upon the submission of a report pursuant to  subdivision  one,  if  the  court  finds that the filing of such report as a public record, may  prejudice fair consideration of a pending criminal matter, it must order  such report sealed and such report may not be  subject  to  subpoena  or  public  inspection  during  the pendency of such criminal matter, except  upon order of the court.    5.  Whenever the court to which a  report  is  submitted  pursuant  to  paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision  one  is  not  satisfied that the report  complies with the provisions of subdivision  two,  it  may  direct  that  additional  testimony  be  taken  before the same grand jury, or it must  make an order sealing such report, and the report may not be filed as  a  public record, or be subject to subpoena or otherwise be made public.