150.30 - Appearance ticket; issuance and service thereof after arrest upon posting of pre-arraignment bail.

§ 150.30 Appearance  ticket;  issuance and service thereof after arrest               upon posting of pre-arraignment bail.    1. Issuance and service of an appearance ticket by  a  police  officer  following  an arrest without a warrant, as prescribed in subdivision two  of section 150.20, may be made conditional upon the posting of a sum  of  money,  known  as  pre-arraignment  bail. In such case, the bail becomes  forfeit upon failure of such person to comply with the directions of the  appearance ticket. The person posting such bail must complete and sign a  form which states (a) the name, residential address  and  occupation  of  each  person posting cash bail; and (b) the title of the criminal action  or proceeding involved; and (c) the offense or offenses  which  are  the  subjects  of  the  action or proceeding involved, and the status of such  action or proceeding; and (d) the name of the principal and  the  nature  of  his involvement in or connection with such action or proceeding; and  (e) the date of the principal's next appearance in  court;  and  (f)  an  acknowledgement  that  the  cash bail will be forfeited if the principal  does not comply with the directions of the appearance  ticket;  and  (g)  the  amount  of money posted as cash bail. Such pre-arraignment bail may  be posted as provided in subdivision two or three.    2.  A desk officer in charge at a  police  station,  county  jail,  or  police headquarters, or any of his superior officers, may in such place,  fix  pre-arraignment  bail, in an amount prescribed in this subdivision,  and upon the posting thereof must issue and serve an  appearance  ticket  upon  the arrested person, give a receipt for the bail, and release such  person from custody.   Such pre-arraignment bail may  be  fixed  in  the  following amounts:    (a)  If  the arrest was for a class E felony, any amount not exceeding  seven hundred fifty dollars.    (b)  If the arrest was for a  class  A  misdemeanor,  any  amount  not  exceeding five hundred dollars.    (c)    If  the arrest was for a class B misdemeanor or an unclassified  misdemeanor, any amount not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars.    (d)  If the arrest was for a petty offense, any amount  not  exceeding  one hundred dollars.    3.  A  police  officer,  who  has  arrested a person without a warrant  pursuant to subdivision two of section 150.20  of  this  chapter  for  a  traffic infraction, may, where he reasonably believes that such arrested  person  is  not licensed to operate a motor vehicle by this state or any  state covered by a reciprocal  compact  guaranteeing  appearance  as  is  provided  in  section  five hundred seventeen of the vehicle and traffic  law, fix pre-arraignment bail in the amount of fifty dollars;  provided,  however,  such bail shall be posted by means of a credit card or similar  device.  Upon the posting thereof, said officer must issue and serve  an  appearance ticket upon the arrested person, give a receipt for the bail,  and release such person from custody.    4.  The chief administrator of the courts shall establish a system for  the posting of pre-arraignment bail by means of credit card  or  similar  device,  as  is  provided by section two hundred twelve of the judiciary  law. The head of each police department or police force and of any state  department, agency, board, commission or public authority having  police  officers  who  fix  pre-arraignment bail as provided herein may elect to  use the system established by the chief administrator or  may  establish  such  other  system  for the posting of pre-arraignment bail by means of  credit card or similar device as he or she may deem appropriate.