100.30 - Information, misdemeanor complaint, felony complaint, supporting deposition and proof of service of supporting deposition; verification.
§ 100.30 Information, misdemeanor complaint, felony complaint, supporting deposition and proof of service of supporting deposition; verification. 1. An information, a misdemeanor complaint, a felony complaint, a supporting deposition, and proof of service of a supporting deposition may be verified in any of the following manners: (a) Such instrument may be sworn to before the court with which it is filed. (b) Such instrument may be sworn to before a desk officer in charge at a police station or police headquarters or any of his superior officers. (c) Where such instrument is filed by any public servant following the issuance and service of an appearance ticket, and where by express provision of law another designated public servant is authorized to administer the oath with respect to such instrument, it may be sworn to before such public servant. (d) Such instrument may bear a form notice that false statements made therein are punishable as a class A misdemeanor pursuant to section 210.45 of the penal law, and such form notice together with the subscription of the deponent constitute a verification of the instrument. (e) Such instrument may be sworn to before a notary public. 2. An instrument specified in subdivision one may be verified in any manner prescribed therein unless in a particular case the court expressly directs verification in a particular manner prescribed in said subdivision one.