153 - Conditions of Employment.

§  153.  Conditions of Employment. 1. A prisoner shall be permitted to  be employed only if:    (a) The rates of pay and other conditions of employment  will  not  be  less  than  those  paid  or  provided  for work of similar nature in the  locality in which the work is to be performed.    (b) The commissioner finds, after consultation with representatives of  local union central bodies or similar labor  union  organizations,  that  such employment will not result in the displacement of employed workers,  impair  existing  contracts  for services, or be applied, except where a  prisoner is to be hired by an employer for whom he worked prior  to  his  conviction,  in skills, crafts, or trades in which there is a surplus of  available gainful labor in the locality.    2. The State Department of Labor shall exercise the  same  supervision  over  conditions  of  employment  for  prisoners  participating  in work  release programs as such department does over conditions  of  employment  for free persons.    3.  In no event shall a prisoner be employed in an establishment which  has a labor dispute.