374 - Budget message.

§  374. Budget message. Where the board of supervisors of a county, by  action taken pursuant to section  three  hundred  seventy-six,  provides  that  this section shall apply to such county, there shall be filed with  the tentative budget a budget message explaining the  main  features  of  the  tentative  budget  and  a  general summary thereof, with supporting  schedules which shall exhibit the aggregate  figures  of  the  tentative  budget  in  such  manner  as to show a balanced relationship between the  total estimated expenditures and the  total  estimated  income  for  the  ensuing  fiscal  year,  and  which  shall compare these figures with the  actual receipts and expenditures for the last completed fiscal year  and  the appropriations for the current fiscal year. The budget message shall  contain  such additional information or comments as are deemed advisable  by the budget officer, or as the board  of  supervisors,  from  time  to  time, may require by resolution.