366 - Unanticipated revenues; unappropriated cash surplus.

§  366.  Unanticipated  revenues; unappropriated cash surplus.  1. The  board of supervisors by resolution pursuant  to  section  three  hundred  sixty-three  may  at  any  time  appropriate  for any lawful purpose the  unanticipated revenues or unappropriated unreserved fund balance  within  a  particular fund, but only to the extent, in each case, that the total  of all revenues of such fund recognized or  reasonably  expected  to  be  recognized  in  the fiscal year, together with unappropriated unreserved  fund balance, exceeds  the  total  of  all  revenues  of  such  fund  as  estimated in the budget, including appropriated fund balance.    2.  Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision one of this section,  grants in aid from the state and federal governments, other gifts  which  are  required  to  be  expended  for  particular objects or purposes and  insurance proceeds for the loss, theft, damage or destruction of real or  personal property, when proposed to be used  or  applied  to  repair  or  replace such property, may be appropriated by resolution of the board of  supervisors at any time for such objects or purposes.