396-C - Head of clinic; powers and duties.

§  396-c.  Head  of clinic; powers and duties. The head of such clinic  shall be a physician licensed by  this  state  and  be  subject  to  the  approval of the local legislative body:    1.  Shall  equip  the clinic with all necessary furniture, appliances,  fixtures and other needed facilities  for  the  care  and  treatment  of  patients and for the use of officers and employees thereof.    2.  Shall  have  general  supervision  and  control  of  the  records,  accounts, and buildings of the clinic and all internal affairs.    3. Shall appoint such other physicians, dentists, nurses,  technicians  and other resident officers and employees as are authorized by the local  legislative  body  for  the efficient performance of the business of the  clinic.    4. Shall cause  proper  accounts  and  records  of  the  business  and  operation  of  the clinic to be kept regularly from day to day, in books  and on records provided for that purpose; and see that such accounts and  records are correctly made  up  for  the  annual  report  to  the  local  legislative body.    5.  Shall  receive  into  the  clinic  all persons who are eligible to  receive medical assistance pursuant to the provisions of  section  three  hundred  sixty-six  of the social services law and to provide such care,  services and supplies which are necessary. Provided,  however,  that  no  person  shall be received in such clinic without the prior authorization  of the social services official responsible for such person's care.    6. Shall cause a careful  examination  to  be  made  of  the  physical  condition  of  all  persons  admitted  to the clinic and provide for the  treatment of each such patient according to his need; and shall cause  a  record  to  be  kept  of the condition of each patient when treated, and  from time to time thereafter.    7. Shall discharge from said clinic any patient who for any reason  is  no longer eligible for treatment therein.    8.  Shall  collect  and  receive  all  moneys  due the clinic, keep an  accurate account of the same, and transmit the same to the treasurer  of  the county monthly on or before the tenth day of the month.    9. Shall before entering upon the discharge of his duties, give a bond  in  such  sum as the local legislative body may determine, to secure the  faithful performance of such duties.