390 - Admission of county patients.

§  390.  Admission  of county patients. 1. Any person in the county in  which the hospital is situated desiring treatment in such hospital,  may  apply  in person to the superintendent or to any reputable physician for  examination, and such  physician,  if  he  finds  that  said  person  is  suffering from tuberculosis in any form, may apply to the superintendent  of  the  hospital  for  his admission. Blank forms for such applications  shall be provided by  the  hospital,  and  shall  be  forwarded  by  the  superintendent  thereof  gratuitously  to any reputable physician in the  county, upon request.  So far as practicable applications for  admission  to the hospital shall be made upon such forms. The superintendent of the  hospital,  upon the receipt of such application, if it appears therefrom  that the patient is suffering from  tuberculosis,  and  if  there  be  a  vacancy  in  the  said  hospital,  shall notify the person named in such  application to appear in person at the hospital. If, upon examination of  such patient, or of any patient applying in person  for  admission,  the  superintendent   is   satisfied  that  such  person  is  suffering  from  tuberculosis, he shall admit him to the hospital as a patient. All  such  applications shall be filed and recorded in a book kept for that purpose  in the order of their receipt. When said hospital is completed and ready  for  the  treatment  of  patients,  or  whenever  thereafter  there  are  vacancies therein, admissions to said hospital  shall  be  made  in  the  order in which the names of applicants shall appear upon the application  book  to  be  kept  as  above provided, in so far as such applicants are  certified to by the superintendent to be suffering from tuberculosis. No  discrimination shall be made in the accommodation, care or treatment  of  any  patient  because  of  the  fact  that  the patient or his relatives  contribute to the cost of his care and treatment in whole  or  in  part,  and  no  patient shall be permitted to pay for his care and treatment in  such hospital a greater sum than the average per diem per capita cost of  care and treatment therein and no officer or employee of  such  hospital  shall  accept  from  any  clinic or hospital patient any fee, payment or  gratuity whatsoever for his services.    2. Whenever a patient admitted to said hospital has  local  residence,  as defined in the public health law, in the county in which the hospital  is  situated,  he  shall  be  a charge upon such county. If such patient  admitted to said hospital has local residence in some other county or in  the city of New York, he shall be a charge upon such other county or the  city of New York, as the case may be, and the superintendent shall  send  a  bill for such charge to the clerk of the board of supervisors of such  other county or to the comptroller of the city of New York. Such  charge  shall be at a rate to be fixed by the board of managers, which shall not  exceed  the  per  diem  per  capita  cost  of care and treatment in said  hospital, and  if  the  county  operating  said  hospital  is  currently  receiving  state aid for the care and treatment of tuberculosis patients  pursuant to the public health law, such charge may be an amount for each  day of such patient's care equivalent to the balance of  the  total  per  diem  per  capita  cost  of operating such hospital during the preceding  fiscal year, as computed and  approved  by  the  state  commissioner  of  health pursuant to subdivision three of section fifty-four of the public  health  law.  Such  bill  shall  be  audited  and  paid  by the board of  supervisors of said county, except that a bill so submitted to the  city  of  New  York shall be paid by such city after audit and upon warrant of  the comptroller of such city. Any patient admitted to said hospital  may  pay  for  his care and treatment in whole or in part if he volunteers to  do so.