150-A - County legislative body, other than board of supervisors.

§  150-a. County legislative body, other than board of supervisors. 1.  All the functions, powers, obligations  and  duties  which  by  law  are  possessed  by  or  vested in the board of supervisors of a county may be  exercised by an elected county  legislative  body,  by  whatsoever  name  designated,  which  shall,  pursuant  to law, or order or judgement of a  court of competent jurisdiction, be established in place of the board of  supervisors of such  county.  All  acts  heretofore  performed  by  such  elected county legislative body shall be valid if and to the extent that  they  would  have been valid if performed by the board of supervisors of  such county.    2. Whenever the board of supervisors of a county  is  referred  to  or  designated  in  any  law,  contract or document pertaining to any of the  functions, powers, obligations and duties of such board, such  reference  or designation shall be deemed to include the elected county legislative  body,  by whatsoever name designated which, pursuant to law, or order or  judgement  of  a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction,  shall  have  been  established in place of the board of supervisors.