101 - Permissive referendum.

§  101.  Permissive  referendum.  1.  A  resolution  of  the  board of  supervisors which is subject to a permissive referendum shall be subject  to referendum on petition.  Within ten days after the  adoption  by  the  board  of supervisors of any resolution which is subject to a permissive  referendum, the clerk of the board of supervisors, in the same manner as  provided for notice of a special election, shall cause a  notice  to  be  published  at  least  once  in the official newspapers and in such other  newspapers as the board may designate. Such  notice  shall  contain  the  number,  date of adoption, a true copy of the resolution and a statement  that such resolution is subject to a permissive referendum.    2. A resolution of the board of supervisors  which  is  subject  to  a  permissive  referendum shall not take effect until forty-five days after  its adoption; nor unless it is approved by the  affirmative  vote  of  a  majority of the qualified electors of the county voting on a proposition  therefor,  if  within  forty-five days after its adoption there be filed  with the clerk  of  the  board  of  supervisors  a  petition  signed  by  qualified  electors  of  the  county  in number of not less than ten per  centum of the total vote cast for governor in said county  at  the  last  general  election held for the election of state officers. Such petition  shall state that a referendum vote  is  requested  on  such  resolution,  describing  the  same  by  its  number  and  date of adoption, and shall  contain an abstract of the text. The petition may  consist  of  separate  sheets  and  the  signatures to each sheet shall be authenticated in the  manner provided  by  the  election  law  for  the  authentication  of  a  designating  petition.  The  several  sheets so signed and authenticated  when fastened together  and  offered  for  filing  shall  be  deemed  to  constitute  one  petition.  The  clerk  of  the county legislature shall  examine each such petition so filed with him and shall  not  later  than  thirty  days  after  the  date  of  its  filing transmit to the board of  supervisors a certificate that he has examined it and has found that  it  complies  or  does  not  comply,  as  the  case  may  be,  with  all the  requirements of law.    3. Proceedings  may  be  instituted  and  maintained  to  contest  the  sufficiency  and  validity of any petition provided for in this article,  in the manner provided by the election law, as though such petition were  a designating petition. If the  petition  be  sufficient  and  valid,  a  proposition for the approval of such resolution shall be submitted at an  election pursuant to subdivision four of this section.    4.  Within  thirty  days  after  the adoption of a resolution which is  subject to a permissive referendum, the board of supervisors may of  its  own  motion by resolution provide that such resolution be submitted to a  vote of the qualified electors of the county to be held at a general  or  special election held not less than sixty days after the adoption of the  resolution  providing for such special or general election. A resolution  adopted pursuant  to  the  preceding  sentence  may  not  thereafter  be  rescinded.   Any  proposition  required  to  be  submitted  pursuant  to  subdivision three of this section shall be submitted at the next general  election of state or county government officers held in such county  not  less  than  sixty  days  after the filing of the petition requesting the  referendum, unless the petition requests and the  board  of  supervisors  adopts  a  resolution  submitting such proposition at a special election  held not less than sixty days  after  the  adoption  of  the  resolution  providing for such special election.