922 - Judgment docket in office of county clerk of New York county.

§  922.  Judgment docket in office of county clerk of New York county.  1. The judgment dockets shall be kept by the county clerk  of  New  York  county  in two separate sets of books, one set to be designated and used  for judgments against individuals including all individual members of  a  copartnership or of a firm doing business under a firm name or style and  the   other  set  to  be  designated  and  used  for  judgments  against  corporations including joint stock  companies,  copartnerships  or  firm  names  or  styles  under which businesses are conducted; and each set of  such judgment dockets must have a separate volume or  volumes  for  each  letter  of  the  alphabet  and  each judgment docket book shall have its  letters, and the year or years of its entries plainly marked on its back  and cover and on every page.    2.  Each  volume  of  the  judgment  dockets  for  judgments   against  individuals shall contain the names of those judgment debtors whose last  names  begin with the letter marked on its cover. Each such volume shall  also have an alphabetical marginal page index for a further alphabetical  breakdown of the names included therein. The  marginal  page  index  may  show  each letter of the alphabet in order and, in such event, a page of  such judgment docket may contain the names  of  those  judgment  debtors  whose  first  names  begin with the letter or whose first initial is the  letter marked on the marginal index for that page; and there shall be at  the back of each of such volumes blank pages  not  indexed  which  shall  contain  the  names  of  those  judgment  debtors  whose  first names or  initials are stated in  the  title  of  the  action  to  be  unknown  or  fictitious.    3.   Each  volume  of  the  judgment  dockets  for  judgments  against  corporations shall contain the names of those judgment debtors the first  letter or initial of whose names as it appears, following  the  prefixed  articles  "A",  "An"  or  "The", is the letter marked on its cover. Each  such volume may have an alphabetical marginal page index for  a  further  alphabetical breakdown of the names included therein.    4.  The  number of the action and the year in which it was begun shall  be entered as part of the entry of every judgment.