916 - Accounts of money to be kept in offices of county clerks.

§  916.  Accounts of money to be kept in offices of county clerks.  It  shall be the duty of clerks of the counties comprising the city  of  New  York  to  keep  an  exact  and  detailed  account of all moneys actually  received by them or their subordinates  for  any  services  rendered  in  their  official  capacity, and of all moneys which such county clerks or  their subordinates shall be entitled to demand and receive for any  such  services. Said county clerks shall deposit monthly with the commissioner  of  finance  any  and  all  such sums of money so received. Such account  shall show when every such service shall have been performed, its nature  and the money charged therefor, and shall at all  times,  during  office  hours, be open to the inspection, without any fee or charge therefor, of  all  persons  desiring  to  examine the same, and such accounts shall be  deemed a part of the records of the office in which they shall be  kept,  and  shall  be preserved therein as other books of record are until they  have been audited by the comptroller of the city of  New  York  and  his  approval  given  to their destruction but in any event for not less than  ten years.