900 - Devolution of powers and duties on the county of Bronx.

§ 900. Devolution of powers and duties on the county of Bronx.  1. The  county  of  Bronx shall possess all the rights and be subject to all the  obligations of the counties now included within the city  of  New  York,  except as otherwise provided by law.    2.  All  acts  and parts of acts specially applicable to the county of  New York or that portion of the borough of the Bronx  formerly  part  of  the  county  of  Westchester, annexed to the city of New York by chapter  nine hundred thirty-four of the laws of  eighteen  hundred  ninety-five,  and  now  in  force  in  the borough of the Bronx shall continue in full  force and effect in the county of Bronx, as though the county  had  been  in  existence at the time of the passage of such acts, and as though the  name of the county of Bronx had appeared in such acts and parts of  acts  wherever the name of the county of New York or the county of Westchester  appears in such acts or parts of acts.    3.  The surrogate, district attorney and county clerk of the county of  Bronx shall have all the powers and perform all the duties  as  required  by  the  constitution  and the laws of this state prescribing the duties  and powers of such officers.