836 - Soldier burial plots in Niagara county.

§   836.  Soldier  burial  plots  in  Niagara  county.  The  board  of  supervisors of the county of Niagara may provide for the perpetual  care  and maintenance of burial plots and burial places of deceased members of  the  armed  forces  who  shall  have been heretofore or may hereafter be  buried in any cemetery located in the county  and  the  expense  thereof  shall  be  a  county  charge.  Upon the adoption of such proposition the  board shall designate some person or commission to have  charge  of  the  work  and  may  fix  a  compensation  to  be paid for the services to be  hereafter rendered in the work. The cost and expense of the work may  be  appropriated   from   funds   in   the  county  treasury  not  otherwise  appropriated or may be provided by the issuance of notes pursuant to and  within the limitations prescribed by the local finance law.