834 - Social welfare appropriations in Essex county.

§  834. Social welfare appropriations in Essex county. 1. The board of  supervisors of Essex county may annually appropriate such sums as it may  deem proper, not exceeding the sum of five thousand dollars in  any  one  year,  for  the  support  and  maintenance  of  the  Junior  Achievement  Foundation  of  Essex  County,  Incorporated,  a   county   organization  incorporated  to  receive  and administer funds and permanent endowments  for the definite training of children; provided, however, that the total  amount of moneys so appropriated  in  any  one  year  shall  not  exceed  one-half  of  the total cost of such work in the county during the year.  The board of supervisors may by resolution direct the  county  treasurer  to  pay  the  amount  of  such  appropriations  to the treasurer of such  corporation, but before any such payment shall be made, the treasurer of  such corporation shall file with the county clerk an undertaking for the  faithful performance of his duties, which undertaking must have endorsed  the approval of the county judge both as  to  form  and  sufficiency  of  sureties.  On  or  before  the  first  day  of November in each year the  treasurer of such corporation shall render to the board of supervisors a  verified written statement  showing  in  detail  the  amount  of  moneys  received by the corporation during the preceding year and the nature and  amount  expended  for the support and maintenance of the work. The board  of supervisors shall annually raise by tax a sum sufficient to  pay  the  amount  of  moneys  appropriated  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of this  subdivision.    2. The board of supervisors of such county  may  annually  appropriate  such  sums as it may deem proper, not exceeding the sum of five thousand  dollars in any one year,  for  contributions  to  and  the  support  and  maintenance  of the Essex County Social Service Committee, Incorporated,  a county organization incorporated to receive and administer  funds  and  permanent endowments for the educational, moral and social betterment of  the  the  citizens  of Essex county and to co-ordinate and assist in the  efforts of existing organizations performing such objects  in  a  manner  satisfactory  to the committee; provided, however, that the total amount  of moneys so appropriated in any one year shall not exceed  one-half  of  the  total cost of such work in the county during the year. The board of  supervisors may by resolution direct the county  treasurer  to  pay  the  amount  of such appropriations to the treasurer of such corporation, but  before any such payment shall be made, the treasurer of such corporation  shall file with  the  county  clerk  an  undertaking  for  the  faithful  performance of his duties, which undertaking shall have endorsed thereon  the  approval  of  the  county  judge both as to form and sufficiency of  sureties. On or before the first  day  of  November  in  each  year  the  treasurer of such corporation shall render to the board of supervisors a  verified  written  statement  showing  in  detail  the  amount of moneys  received during the preceding year and the nature and amount of the sums  expended for the support and maintenance  of  the  work.  The  board  of  supervisors  shall  annually  raise  by  tax a sum sufficient to pay the  amount of  moneys  appropriated  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  this  subdivision.