657-A - Fund for expenses of sheriff in transporting prisoners.

§  657-a. Fund for expenses of sheriff in transporting prisoners.  The  board of supervisors shall have power to, and may, provide  a  fund  for  the  payment in advance of audit of properly itemized and verified bills  for the expenses of the sheriff lawfully and necessarily incurred in the  transportation of prisoners, and, by resolution,  authorize  the  county  treasurer to apply said fund in payment of such bills on the approval of  the  sheriff  endorsed  thereon; said bills so paid to be transmitted to  the clerk of the board of supervisors and audited  by  it  at  its  next  regular  session  held  subsequent to their payment. The sheriff and any  claimant receiving payment as aforesaid shall be jointly  and  severally  liable  for  any item or items contained in a bill so paid in advance of  audit which shall be disallowed and rejected by the board of supervisors  upon final audit, to be recovered in an action brought by the  board  of  supervisors in the name of the county.