502 - Assistant county attorneys.

§  502.  Assistant county attorneys. 1. The board of supervisors shall  have power to authorize the county  attorney  to  appoint  one  or  more  assistant  county  attorneys.   Every appointment of an assistant county  attorney shall be in a writing filed and recorded in the office  of  the  county  clerk. The person so appointed shall take the prescribed oath of  office  and  furnish  any  required  official  undertaking.   Any   such  appointment  may be revoked by the county attorney at any time by filing  a written revocation in the office of the county clerk.    2. The assistant county attorney shall perform such duties  pertaining  to the office as may be directed by the county attorney.    3.  The  assistant,  during  the  absence  or  inability of the county  attorney, shall perform the powers and duties of the  office  of  county  attorney.    4.  In  the  event  of a vacancy in the office of county attorney, the  assistant shall perform the powers and duties of the  office  of  county  attorney until a successor is appointed and has qualified.    5.  If more than one assistant county attorney shall be appointed, the  county attorney shall designate in writing and file in the office of the  county clerk and clerk of the board of supervisors the  order  in  which  such  assistants  shall  exercise the powers and duties of the office in  the event of a vacancy or  the  absence  or  inability  of  such  county  attorney to perform the duties of the office.