75-G - Report of compliance.
§ 75-g. Report of compliance. 1. Within one year after the effective date of this article, and each year thereafter, every banking institution which has an automated teller machine facility which is in operation on such date and such date every year thereafter shall submit a written report to the department on a form prescribed by the superintendent, certifying that such automated teller machine facility is in compliance with the provisions of this article or any variance or exemption that has been granted, or if such facility is not in compliance with such provisions, such report shall state the manner in which such facility fails to meet such requirements, the reasons for such non-compliance and a plan to remedy any such non-compliance. 2. The superintendent shall report to the legislature on or before the fifteenth day of January and annually thereafter, with respect to compliance with this article. Such report shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the number of inspections undertaken by the department in the previous year pursuant to this section; (b) the number and types of violations or other instances of non-compliance identified through such inspections and measures undertaken by the department and banking institutions to address such instances; (c) expenses of the department incurred exclusively for the purpose of the implementation of this section, including the number of department personnel assigned to such purpose; and (d) during the year for which the report is rendered, a listing of the number of variance or exemption applications received and granted related to the automated teller machine security measures; the name of any banking institution which received a variance or exemption; the geographic location of the automated teller machines subject to the variance or exemption; and, the general conditions or terms of the variance or exemption.