7004 - Classification of directors.

§ 7004.  Classification of directors. 1. The board of directors of any  bank or trust company, stock-form savings bank,  or  stock-form  savings  and  loan  association  may  be  classified into three classes as nearly  equal as may be, with the terms of office of  one  class  expiring  each  year,  and such corporations may make provisions for such classification  in their by-laws.    2. In the case of corporations other than banks and  trust  companies,  stock-form savings banks, and stock-form savings and loan associations:    (a)  The  organization  certificate  or  the  specific provisions of a  by-law adopted by the stockholders may provide  that  the  directors  be  divided  into either two, three or four classes. All classes shall be as  nearly equal in number as possible, and no class shall include less than  three  directors.  The  terms  of  office  of  the  directors  initially  classified  shall be as follows: that of the first class shall expire at  the next annual meeting of stockholders, the second class at the  second  succeeding  annual  meeting,  the  third  class,  if  any,  at the third  succeeding annual meeting, and the fourth class, if any, at  the  fourth  succeeding annual meeting.    (b)   At  each  annual  meeting  after  such  initial  classification,  directors to replace those whose terms expire  at  such  annual  meeting  shall  be  elected  to  hold  office  until the second succeeding annual  meeting if there are two classes, the third succeeding annual meeting if  there are three classes, or the  fourth  succeeding  annual  meeting  if  there are four classes.    (c)  If  directors  are  classified  and  the  number  of directors is  thereafter changed:    (1) Any newly created directorships or any decrease  in  directorships  shall  be  so  apportioned  among  the classes as to make all classes as  nearly equal in number as possible.    (2) When the number of directors is increased by  the  board  and  any  newly  created  directorships are filled by the board, there shall be no  classification of the additional directors until the next annual meeting  of stockholders.