5010 - Share distributions and changes.

§ 5010. Share distributions and changes. 1. A corporation may make pro  rata  distributions  of its authorized but unissued shares to holders of  any class or series of its outstanding shares, subject to the  following  conditions:    (a) Such shares shall be issued at not less than the par value thereof  and  there  shall  be  transferred  to capital stock at the time of such  distribution an amount of undivided profits  or  surplus  equal  to  the  aggregate par value of such shares.    (b)  A  distribution of shares of any class or series may be made only  to holders of the same class or series of shares unless the organization  certificate permits distribution, subject to the  preemptive  rights  of  holders of any outstanding shares, to holders of another class or series  or unless such distribution is authorized, when there are no outstanding  preemptive rights, by the affirmative vote or the written consent of the  holders  of  a majority of the outstanding shares of the class or series  to be distributed.    2. A corporation making a pro  rata  distribution  of  authorized  but  unissued  shares  to  the  holders of any class or series of outstanding  shares may at its option make an equivalent distribution  upon  treasury  shares  of the same class or series, and any shares so distributed shall  be treasury shares.    3. A change  of  issued  shares  of  any  class  which  increases  the  aggregate  par  value  of  those  shares  may  be made if the sum of the  undivided profits and surplus of the corporation is sufficient to permit  the transfer, and  a  transfer  is  concurrently  made,  from  undivided  profits  or  surplus  to  capital  stock,  of  an  amount  equal to such  increase.