117 - Seizure of dogs; redemption periods; impoundment fees; adoption.
* § 117. Spaying and neutering facilities authorized. 1. Any municipality may, by local law or ordinance, provide for the establishment and operation of a facility to provide services for the alteration of the reproductive capacity through spaying or neutering of dogs and cats owned by the residents thereof. 2. Any animal which is presented at such facility for alteration must be accompanied by a notarized authorization signed by the owner thereof consenting to such alteration and agreeing to hold the municipality, its agents, servants and employees harmless for any damages arising therefrom or incidental thereto. 3. Any municipality enacting a local law or ordinance as authorized by this section shall further provide for the regulation of such facility with respect to the terms and conditions, including compensation, under which any animal will be maintained while the animal remains in the custody of the facility. 4. In no event shall any of the moneys or fees derived from, or collected pursuant to, the provisions of this article except as provided in paragraph c of subdivision four of section one hundred ten of this article and section one hundred seventeen-a of this article be used to subsidize the spaying or neutering of cats. * NB Effective until January 1, 2011 * § 117. Seizure of dogs; redemption periods; impoundment fees; adoption. 1. Any dog control officer or peace officer, acting pursuant to his special duties, or police officer in the employ of or under contract to a municipality shall seize: (a) any dog which is not identified and which is not on the owner's premises; (b) any dog which is not licensed, whether on or off the owner's premises; (c) any licensed dog which is not in the control of its owner or custodian or not on the premises of the dog's owner or custodian, if there is probable cause to believe the dog is dangerous; and (d) any dog which poses an immediate threat to the public safety. Promptly upon seizure the dog control officer shall commence a proceeding as provided for in subdivision two of section one hundred twenty-three of this article. 2. Any dog control officer or peace officer, acting pursuant to his special duties, or police officer in the employ of or under contract to a municipality may seize any dog in violation of any local law or ordinance relating to the control of dogs, adopted by any municipality pursuant to the provisions of this article. 3. Each dog seized in accordance with the provisions of this article shall be properly sheltered, fed and watered for the redemption period as hereinafter provided. 4. Each dog which is not identified, whether or not licensed, shall be held for a period of five days from the day seized during which period the dog may be redeemed by its owner, provided that such owner produces proof that the dog has been licensed and has been identified pursuant to the provisions of this article and further provided that the owner pays the following impoundment fees: (a) not less than ten dollars for the first impoundment of any dog owned by that person; (b) not less than twenty dollars for the first twenty-four hours or part thereof and three dollars for each additional twenty-four hours or part thereof for the second impoundment, within one year of the first impoundment, of any dog owned by that person; or (c) not less than thirty dollars for the first twenty-four hours or part thereof and three dollars for each additional twenty-four hours orpart thereof for the third and subsequent impoundments, within one year of the first impoundment, of any dog owned by that person. The impoundment fees set forth in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this subdivision notwithstanding, any municipality may set by local law or ordinance such fees in any amount. 5. All impoundment fees shall be the property of the municipality to which they are paid and shall be used only for controlling dogs and enforcing this article and any rule, regulation, or local law or ordinance adopted pursuant thereto, including subsidizing the spaying or neutering of dogs and any facility as authorized under section one hundred sixteen of this article used therefor, and subsidizing public humane education programs in responsible dog ownership. 6. Promptly upon seizure of any identified dog, the owner of record of such dog shall be notified personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the facts of seizure and the procedure for redemption. If notification is personally given, such dog shall be held for a period of seven days after day of notice, during which period the dog may be redeemed by the owner. If such notification is made by mail, such dog shall be held for a period of nine days from the date of mailing, during which period the dog may be redeemed by the owner. In either case, the owner may redeem such dog upon payment of the impoundment fees prescribed by subdivision four of this section and by producing proof that the dog has been licensed. ** 7. An owner shall forfeit title to any dog unredeemed at the expiration of the appropriate redemption period, and the dog shall then be made available for adoption or euthanized subject to the provisions of subdivisions two-a, two-b, two-c, two-d, and two-e of section three hundred seventy-four of this chapter. Any municipality may by local law or ordinance establish additional conditions for adoption including the requirement that adopted dogs shall be spayed or neutered before or after release from custody upon such terms and conditions as the municipality may establish. ** NB Effective until October 9, 2010 ** 7. An owner shall forfeit title to any dog unredeemed at the expiration of the appropriate redemption period, and the dog shall then be made available for adoption or euthanized subject to subdivisions six, eight and nine of this section and subject to the provisions of section three hundred seventy-four of this chapter. Any municipality may by local law or ordinance establish additional conditions for adoption including the requirement that adopted dogs shall be spayed or neutered before or after release from custody upon such terms and conditions as the municipality may establish. ** NB Effective October 9, 2010 ** 7-a. Any dog or cat in the custody of a pound or shelter shall be made available for adoption or euthanized subject to the provisions of subdivisions two-a, two-b, two-c, two-d, and two-e of section three hundred seventy-four of this chapter after the time for redemption has expired. ** NB Effective until October 9, 2010 ** 7-a. Any animal in the custody of a pound shall be made available for adoption or euthanized subject to subdivisions six, eight and nine of this section and subject to the provisions of section three hundred seventy-four of this chapter after the time for redemption has expired; provided, however, that such release may be made to another such pound, duly incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, duly incorporated humane society or duly incorporated animal protective association for the sole purpose of placing such animal in an adoptivehome, when such action is reasonably believed to improve the opportunity for adoption. ** NB Effective October 9, 2010 8. The redemption periods set forth above in this section notwithstanding, any municipality may establish the duration of such periods by local law or ordinance, provided that no such period shall be less than three days, except that where notice to the owner is given by mail, no such period shall be less than seven days. 9. Any dog, owned by a resident of any city having a population of over two million or by a non-resident of this state, seized and impounded pursuant to the provisions of this article, and whose owner can be identified, shall be subject to subdivision six of this section. If the dog is licensed pursuant to the provisions of law of the area of the owner's residence, the licensing requirements of this article shall not apply provided such dog is not harbored within this state outside any city having a population of over two million for a period exceeding thirty days. 10. The seizure of any dog shall not relieve any person from any violation provided for by section one hundred nineteen of this article. 11. No liability in damages or otherwise shall be incurred on account of the seizure, euthanization or adoption of any dog pursuant to the provisions of this article. * NB Effective January 1, 2011