402 - Records of purchase and sale.
§ 402. Records of purchase and sale. Each pet dealer shall keep and maintain records for each animal purchased, acquired, held, sold, or otherwise disposed of. The records shall include the following: 1. The name and address of the person from whom each animal was acquired. If the person from whom the animal was obtained is a dealer licensed by the United States department of agriculture, the person's name, address, and federal dealer identification number. In the case of cats, if a cat is placed in the custody or possession of the pet dealer and the source of origin is unknown, the pet dealer shall state the source of origin as unknown, accompanied by the date, time, and location of receipt. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, no pet dealer shall knowingly buy, sell, exhibit, transport, or offer for sale, exhibition, or transportation any stolen animal. No pet dealer shall knowingly sell any cat or dog younger than eight weeks of age. 2. The original source of each animal if different than the person recorded in subdivision one of this section. 3. The date each animal was acquired. 4. A description of each animal showing age, color, markings, sex, breed, and any inoculation, worming, or other veterinary treatment or medication information available. Records shall also include any other significant identification, if known, for each animal, including any official tag number, tattoo, or implant. 5. The name and address of the person to whom any animal is sold, given, or bartered or to whom it is otherwise transferred or delivered. The records shall indicate the date and method of disposition. 6. Records for each animal shall be maintained for a period of two years from the date of sale or transfer, whichever occurs later. During normal business hours, the records shall be made available to persons authorized by law to enforce the provisions of this article.