59.05 - The American Museum of Natural History Planetarium Authority.

§ 59.05. The American Museum of Natural History Planetarium Authority.  The  trustees  of  The American Museum of Natural History, a corporation  created by chapter one hundred and nineteen  of  the  laws  of  eighteen  hundred sixty-nine, and their successors in such office shall appoint no  less  than  three  nor more than five individuals to serve as members of  the board of directors of the Planetarium Authority for terms of one  to  three  years  (as  determined  by the trustees of the American Museum of  Natural History), and which is hereby continued as a body  corporate  by  the  name  of  "The  American  Museum  of  Natural  History  Planetarium  Authority," to be located in the city of New York, for  the  purpose  of  establishing  and  maintaining  in  such  city a planetarium upon a site  provided by the authorities of such city adjacent to The American Museum  of Natural History in such city; of encouraging and developing the study  of astronomical science; of advancing the general knowledge  of  kindred  subjects,  and  to  that  end,  of  furnishing popular instruction. Such  authority shall constitute a public benefit corporation.    Each member of  the  board  of  the  Planetarium  Authority  shall  be  independent  of  the Planetarium Authority and of the American Museum of  Natural History as described in the  public  authorities  law;  and  the  American  Museum of Natural History shall not be considered an affiliate  of the Planetarium Authority.    The board of  the  Planetarium  Authority  may  appoint  an  executive  director.  The  members  of  the board and the executive director of the  Planetarium Authority shall serve pro bono and shall be entitled  to  no  compensation  for  their services or reimbursement for expenses incurred  or to be incurred in connection with the planetarium hereby  authorized.  A  majority  of  the  members  of the board of the Planetarium Authority  shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the board, and a majority of  the members present at a meeting of the board at which there is a quorum  may exercise the powers of the authority. The board of  the  Planetarium  Authority may delegate to one or more of its members or to its officers,  any  such  powers  and  duties  as  it  may deem proper. The Planetarium  Authority shall continue the lease with the American Museum  of  Natural  History   for   the  exclusive  occupancy,  operation  and  use  of  the  planetarium by the American Museum of Natural History for the purpose of  carrying out the purposes set forth above and related purposes, all upon  the obligation of the American Museum of Natural  History  to  keep  the  planetarium  in  reasonable  repair,  and  to  maintain  and operate the  planetarium, which lease may be of indefinite duration  terminable  only  upon  surrender  of  the lease by the direction and authorization of the  board of trustees of the American Museum of Natural History.    The existence  of  the  Planetarium  Authority  shall  continue  until  dissolved  by its board, provided that all its liabilities have been met  and its bonds have been paid in full or such liabilities or  bonds  have  been  discharged  and  provided further that the Planetarium Authority's  lease to  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History  shall  have  been  surrendered  by  the American Museum of Natural History. Notwithstanding  the foregoing, the Planetarium Authority shall  be  dissolved  when  the  American   Museum  of  Natural  History  surrenders  its  lease  of  the  planetarium  to  the  Planetarium  Authority,  provided  that  all   its  liabilities  have  been met and its bonds have been paid in full or such  liabilities or bonds have been discharged or  assumed  by  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History. Upon its ceasing to exist, all of its real  property shall pass to the city of New York  and  all  of  its  personal  property  shall  pass  to The American Museum of Natural History for its  corporate purposes. Thereupon, such real property  shall  be  maintained  and  operated  in  the  same  manner and subject to the same provisions,  restrictions and authorities and by the same corporation  as  the  otherproperty  of  the city of New York which is now occupied by The American  Museum of Natural History.