57.09 - Duties of local historian.

§ 57.09. Duties of local historian. It shall be the duty of each local  historian,  appointed  as  provided  in the last section, in cooperation  with the state historian, to collect and preserve material  relating  to  the  history  of  the  political  subdivision  for  which  he  or she is  appointed, and to file such material in fireproof safes or vaults in the  county, city, town or village offices. Such historian shall examine into  the condition, classification and safety from fire of the public records  of the public offices of such county, city, town or village,  and  shall  call  to  the attention of the local authorities and the state historian  any material of local  historic  value  which  should  be  acquired  for  preservation.  He  or  she  shall make an annual report, in the month of  January, to the local appointing officer or officers and  to  the  state  historian  of  the work which has been accomplished during the preceding  year. He or she shall, upon retirement or removal from office, turn over  to the local county, city, town or village authorities, or to his or her  successor in office, if one  has  been  then  appointed,  all  materials  gathered  during  his  or her incumbency and all correspondence relating  thereto. It shall be the duty of the county historian to  supervise  the  activities  of  the  local  historians  in towns and villages within the  county in performing  the  historical  work  recommended  by  the  state  historian,  and  also  to  prepare  and  to  present  to  the  board  of  supervisors a report of the important occurrences within the county  for  each  calendar year. The state historian, at regular intervals, not less  than once a year, shall indicate to the  local  historians  the  general  lines along which local history material is to be collected.