57.21 - Local government records advisory council.

§ 57.21. Local  government  records advisory council. The commissioner  of education shall appoint a local government records  advisory  council  consisting   of   representatives   of  local  government  associations,  historians, the chief administrative  judge,  the  commissioner  of  the  department  of  records and information services of the city of New York  or its successor agency, other users of local  government  records,  and  other  citizens.  The  city  clerk  of  the  city of New York shall be a  non-voting members of such advisory council.  The council  shall  advise  the  commissioner  of  education  concerning  local  government  records  policies and procedures, state services and financial support needed  to  assist  or  advise  local officials, and regulations pertaining to local  government records, and grants for local government  records  management  improvement  pursuant  to  section  57.35  of this chapter. The advisory  council shall prepare an initial report on the above matters by December  first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven to be provided to the  commissioner  of   education,   the   governor,  and  appropriate  committees  of  the  legislature.    The  commissioner  of  education  shall  not  promulgate  regulations  for  the administration and maintenance of local government  records before July first, nineteen  hundred  eighty-eight  except  with  prior consultation with and review by the advisory council.