37.03 - Theatrical employment; contracts.

§ 37.03. Theatrical  employment;  contracts. Every licensed person who  shall procure for or offer to an applicant a theatrical engagement shall  have executed in duplicate a contract  or  deliver  to  the  parties  as  herein  set  forth  a  statement  containing the name and address of the  applicant; the name and address of the employer of the applicant and  of  the  person  acting  for  such employer in employing such applicant; the  time and duration of such engagement; the amount  to  be  paid  to  such  applicant;  the character of entertainment to be given or services to be  rendered; the number of performances per day or per week that are to  be  given  by  said  applicant;  if a vaudeville engagement, the name of the  person by whom  the  transportation  is  to  be  paid,  and  if  by  the  applicant,  either  the  cost of transportation between the places where  said entertainment or services are to  be  given  or  rendered,  or  the  average  cost  of  transportation between the places where such services  are to be given or rendered; and if a dramatic engagement, the  cost  of  transportation  to  the  place  where the services begin, if paid by the  applicant; and the gross commission or fees to be paid by said applicant  and to whom.  Such  contracts  or  statements  shall  contain  no  other  conditions  and  provisions  except  such  as  are equitable between the  parties thereto and do not constitute  an  unreasonable  restriction  of  business.  Forms  of such contract and statement in blank shall be first  approved by the commissioner and his determination shall  be  reviewable  by  certiorari.  One  of  such duplicate contracts or of such statements  shall be delivered to the person engaging the applicant  and  the  other  shall  be  retained by the applicant. The licensed person procuring such  engagement for such applicant shall keep on file  or  enter  in  a  book  provided for that purpose a copy of such contract or statement.