19.09 - Portable booth for temporary exhibitions.

§ 19.09. Portable  booth  for  temporary  exhibitions.    Where motion  pictures are exhibited daily for not more than one month,  or  not  more  often  than three times a week, in educational or religious institutions  or bona fide social, scientific, political or athletic clubs, a portable  booth may be substituted for the booth required in  sections  19.01  and  19.03  of  this article. Such booth shall have a height of not less than  six feet and an area of not less than twenty square feet  and  shall  be  constructed  of  asbestos  board,  sheet  steel  of  no  less gauge than  twenty-four; or some other approved fireproof  material.  Such  portable  booth  shall  conform  to  the  specifications  of section 19.03 of this  article with reference to windows and door, but not  with  reference  to  vent  flues.  The  floor  of  such  booth  shall  be  elevated above the  permanent support on which it is placed by a space of at least  one-half  inch,  sufficient  to  allow the passage of air between the floor of the  booth and the platform on which the booth rests, and the booth shall  be  insulated  so  that it will not conduct electricity to any other portion  of the building.