111 - License to be confined to premises licensed.

§ 111. License  to be confined to premises licensed.  A license issued  to any person, pursuant to chapter one hundred eighty  of  the  laws  of  nineteen hundred thirty-three or this chapter, for any licensed premises  shall  not  be transferable to any other person or to any other premises  or to any other part of the building containing  the  licensed  premises  except in the discretion of the authority. It shall be available only to  the  person therein specified, and only for the premises licensed and no  other except if authorized by the authority.   Provided,  however,  that  the  provisions  of  this  section  shall  not be deemed to prohibit the  issuance of a license under section seventy-six-b  or  seventy-six-c  of  this  chapter.  For  the  purposes of this section each railroad car and  each vessel shall be deemed premises separately to be licensed.