101-B - Unlawful discriminations prohibited; filing of schedules; schedule listing fund.

§ 101-b. Unlawful  discriminations  prohibited;  filing  of schedules;  schedule listing fund. 1. It is the declared policy of the state that it  is  necessary  to  regulate  and  control  the  manufacture,  sale,  and  distribution  within the state of alcoholic beverages for the purpose of  fostering and promoting temperance in their consumption and respect  for  and obedience to the law. In order to eliminate the undue stimulation of  sales  of  alcoholic  beverages  and  the  practice of manufacturers and  wholesalers in granting discounts, rebates, allowances, free goods,  and  other   inducements   to  selected  licensees,  which  contribute  to  a  disorderly  distribution  of  alcoholic   beverages,   and   which   are  detrimental to the proper regulation of the liquor industry and contrary  to  the  interests  of  temperance, it is hereby further declared as the  policy of the state that the  sale  of  alcoholic  beverages  should  be  subjected  to  certain  restrictions,  prohibitions and regulations. The  necessity for the enactment  of  the  provisions  of  this  section  is,  therefore, declared as a matter of legislative determination.    2.  It  shall be unlawful for any person who sells liquors or wines to  wholesalers or retailers    (a) to discriminate, directly or indirectly, in  price,  in  discounts  for  time  of  payment  or in discounts on quantity of merchandise sold,  between one wholesaler and another wholesaler, or between  one  retailer  and another retailer purchasing liquor or wine bearing the same brand or  trade  name  and  of  like  age  and  quality; (b) to grant, directly or  indirectly,  any  discount,  rebate,  free  goods,  allowance  or  other  inducement  of  any  kind whatsoever, except a discount or discounts for  quantity of liquor or for quantity of wine and a discount not in  excess  of  one  per  centum  for  payment  on  or  before ten days from date of  shipment.    3. (a) No brand of liquor or wine shall be sold to or purchased  by  a  wholesaler,  irrespective  of  the  place  of sale or delivery, unless a  schedule, as provided by this section, is transmitted to and received by  the liquor authority, and is then in  effect.  Such  schedule  shall  be  transmitted  to the authority in such form, manner, medium and format as  the authority may direct; shall be deemed duly verified  by  the  person  submitting  such  schedule  upon  its transmission to the authority; and  shall contain, with respect to each item, the exact brand or trade name,  capacity of package, nature of contents, age and proof where  stated  on  the  label, the number of bottles contained in each case, the bottle and  case price to wholesalers, the net bottle and case  price  paid  by  the  seller,  which  prices,  in  each instance, shall be individual for each  item and not in "combination" with any other  item,  the  discounts  for  quantity,  if  any,  and the discounts for time of payment, if any. Such  brand of liquor or wine shall not be sold to wholesalers except  at  the  price  and  discounts  then in effect unless prior written permission of  the authority is granted for  good  cause  shown  and  for  reasons  not  inconsistent  with  the  purpose of this chapter. Such schedule shall be  transmitted by (1) the owner of such brand, or (2) a wholesaler  selling  such brand and who is designated as agent for the purpose of filing such  schedule  if the owner of the brand is not licensed by the authority, or  (3) with the approval of the authority, by a wholesaler,  in  the  event  that  the  owner  of  the  brand  is  unable  to  transmit a schedule or  designate an agent for such purpose. As used  in  this  subdivision  the  term  "item"  shall  be  deemed to include a sealed, pre-wrapped package  consisting of a sealed container of liquor, wine  or  wine  product  and  other  merchandise  reasonably  used in connection with the preparation,  storage or service of liquor, wine or wine products provided  that  such  other merchandise shall not be potable or edible.(b)  No  brand  of  liquor  or wine shall be sold to or purchased by a  retailer unless a schedule, as provided by this section, is  transmitted  to  and  received  by  the liquor authority, and is then in effect. Such  schedule shall be transmitted to the authority  in  such  form,  manner,  medium  and  format  as  the  authority may direct; shall be deemed duly  verified by the person submitting such schedule upon its transmission to  the authority; and shall contain, with respect to each item,  the  exact  brand  or  trade  name, capacity of package, nature of contents, age and  proof where stated on the label, the number of bottles contained in each  case, the bottle and case price to retailers, the net  bottle  and  case  price  paid  by  the  seller,  which  prices, in each instance, shall be  individual for each item and not in "combination" with any  other  item,  the  discounts  for  quantity,  if  any,  and  the discounts for time of  payment, if any. Such brand of liquor or  wine  shall  not  be  sold  to  retailers  except at the price and discounts then in effect unless prior  written permission of the authority is granted for good cause shown  and  for  reasons  not  inconsistent  with  the purpose of this chapter. Such  schedule shall be transmitted by each manufacturer selling such brand to  retailers and by each wholesaler selling such brand to retailers.    (c) Provided however, nothing contained in this section shall  require  any  manufacturer  or  wholesaler  to  list  in any schedule to be filed  pursuant to this section any item offered for sale to a retailer under a  brand which is owned exclusively by one  retailer  and  sold  at  retail  within the state exclusively by such retailer.    (d)  The  authority may make available the schedules in paragraphs (a)  and (b) of  this  subdivision  to  all  licensed  wholesaler  or  retail  establishments by way of controlled internet access.    4.  Each  such schedule required by paragraph (a) of subdivision three  of this section shall be filed on or before the twenty-fifth day of each  month and the prices  and  discounts  set  forth  therein  shall  become  effective  on  the first day of the second succeeding calendar month and  shall be in effect for such second succeeding calendar month. Each  such  schedule  required by paragraph (b) of subdivision three of this section  shall be filed on or before the fifth day of each month, and the  prices  and  discounts set forth therein shall become effective on the first day  of the calendar month following the filing  thereof,  and  shall  be  in  effect for such calendar month. Within ten days after the filing of such  schedule  the authority shall make them or a composite thereof available  for inspection by licensees.  Within  three  business  days  after  such  inspection  is  provided  for, a wholesaler may amend his filed schedule  for sales to retailers in order  to  meet  lower  competing  prices  and  discounts  for  liquor  or  wine of the same brand or trade name, and of  like age and quality, filed pursuant to this  section  by  any  licensee  selling  such  brand,  provided  such  amended  prices are not lower and  discounts are not greater than those to be met. Any amended schedule  so  filed  shall  become  effective  on  the first day of the calendar month  following the filing thereof and shall be in effect  for  such  calendar  month.  All  schedules filed shall be subject to public inspection, from  the time that they are required to be made available for  inspection  by  licensees,  and  shall not be considered confidential. Each manufacturer  and wholesaler shall retain in his licensed premises for  inspection  by  licensees  a  copy  of his filed schedules as then in effect. The liquor  authority may make such rules as shall be appropriate to carry  out  the  purpose of this section.    4-a.  No  licensee shall refuse to sell any brand of liquor or wine to  any licensee authorized to purchase such brand of liquor  or  wine  from  such  licensee  at  the  price  listed in the schedule of prices of such  brand of liquor or wine required to be filed by such licensee  with  theauthority  pursuant  to  this  section, provided the purchaser pays cash  therefor, and except as herein provided. (a) A  schedule  of  prices  to  wholesalers  filed  by  the brand owner or its agent with the authority,  pursuant  to  this  section,  may  limit the distribution or resale of a  brand to wholesalers by the filing by the brand owner or its agent  with  the  authority  of  the  names,  addresses  and  license numbers of such  wholesalers. Such list shall be  filed  each  month  together  with  the  schedule  of  prices,  and  no  name  shall  be added thereto or removed  therefrom after filing except with permission of the authority.    (b) Only those wholesalers listed, pursuant to paragraph (a)  of  this  subdivision,  may schedule the price to retailers for such brand, except  that when not  inconsistent  with  the  purpose  of  this  section,  the  authority  may  authorize any other wholesaler to schedule a price after  furnishing the quantity, source of purchase and  any  other  information  the authority may require.    (c)  When  distribution  or  resale  of  a  brand has been restricted,  pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision, such brand shall  not  be  sold  or  purchased  by any wholesalers who are not listed in accordance  with paragraph (a) of this subdivision.    (d) For good  cause  shown  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  authority,  permission  may  be  granted  for  the  filing of schedules limiting the  distribution or resale of a brand to retailers.    (e) Manufacturers and wholesalers may not require or compel  retailers  to purchase other brands in order to be able to buy a particular brand.    (f)  Nothing  contained  in  this  subdivision  shall  be construed as  authority for permitting any conduct or activity by any brand  owner  or  its  agent  or  any  wholesaler  of  liquor  or  wine  proscribed by the  antitrust laws of this state or the United States.    (g) If any provision of any  paragraph  of  this  subdivision  or  any  subdivision  of this section or the application thereof to any person or  circumstance  shall  be  adjudged  invalid  by  a  court  of   competent  jurisdiction,  such order or judgment shall be confined in its operation  to the controversy in which it was rendered  and  shall  not  affect  or  invalidate  the  remainder  of  any provision of this subdivision or any  subdivision of this section or the application of any  part  thereof  to  any  other person or circumstance and to this end the provisions of each  paragraph of this subdivision and each subdivision of this  section  are  hereby declared to be severable.    5.  (a)  (i)  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of law, each such  schedule required by paragraph (a) of subdivision three of this  section  which is filed by a micro-winery, winery, or farm winery, shall be filed  annually  on  or before the twenty-fifth day of November. The prices and  discounts set forth therein shall become effective on the first  day  of  the second succeeding calendar month and shall remain in effect for such  twelve  succeeding calendar months, unless a price change filing is made  pursuant to subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph.    (ii) A micro-winery, winery, or farm winery licensee may file a  price  schedule  change  at  any time between the required annual filings. Each  such price schedule change shall be filed on or before the  twenty-fifth  day  of  each  month  for  a change in prices to become effective on the  first day of the second succeeding calendar month and  shall  remain  in  effect until the effective date of the next filing.    (b) (i) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each such schedule  required  by paragraph (b) of subdivision three of this section which is  filed by a micro-winery, winery, or farm winery licensee shall be  filed  annually  on  or  before  the  fifth  day  of  December.  The prices and  discounts set forth therein shall become effective on the first  day  of  the  calendar  month  following  the filing thereof, and shall remain ineffect for such twelve succeeding calendar months, unless a price change  filing is made pursuant to subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph.    (ii)  A micro-winery, winery, or farm winery licensee may file a price  schedule change at any time between the required  annual  filings.  Each  such  price schedule change shall be filed on or before the fifth day of  each month for a change in prices to become effective on the  first  day  of  the  calendar month following the filing thereof and shall remain in  effect until the effective date of the next filing.    (c) Within ten days after the filing of such schedules  the  authority  shall  make  them  or  a  composite  thereof available for inspection by  licensees. Within three business days after such inspection is  provided  for, a wholesaler may amend his filed schedule for sales to retailers in  order  to meet lower competing prices and discounts for wine of the same  brand or trade name, and of like age and quality, filed pursuant to this  section by any licensee selling such brand, provided such amended prices  are not lower and discounts are not greater than those to  be  met.  Any  amended schedule so filed shall become effective on the first day of the  calendar month following the filing thereof and shall be in effect until  the effective date of the next filing.    (d)  All  schedules  filed shall be subject to public inspection, from  the time that they are required to be made available for  inspection  by  licensees,  and  shall not be considered confidential. Each manufacturer  and wholesaler shall retain in his licensed premises for  inspection  by  licensees  a  copy  of his filed schedules as then in effect. The liquor  authority may make such rules as shall be appropriate to carry  out  the  purpose of this subdivision.    6.  For  the  purpose  of  raising  the moneys necessary to defray the  expenses incurred in the administration of this section,  on  or  before  the  tenth  day after this act becomes a law, there shall be paid to the  liquor authority by each manufacturer and wholesaler licensed under this  chapter to sell to retailers liquors and/or wines, a sum  equivalent  to  fifteen  per centum of the annual license fee prescribed by this chapter  for each such licensee.  A  like  sum  shall  be  paid  by  each  person  hereafter  applying  for  any  such  license  or the renewal of any such  license, and such sum shall accompany the application  and  the  license  fee  prescribed  by this chapter for such license or renewal as the case  may be. In the event that any other law requires the payment of a fee by  any such licensee or applicant as set forth in this section for schedule  listing, then and in such event the total fee imposed  by  this  section  and such other law or laws on each such licensee shall not exceed in the  aggregate  a  sum equivalent to fifteen per centum of the annual license  fee prescribed by this chapter for such license.    7. The authority may revoke, cancel  or  suspend  any  license  issued  pursuant  to  this  chapter, and may recover (as provided in section one  hundred twelve of this chapter) the penal sum of the  bond  filed  by  a  licensee,  or  both, for any sale or purchase in violation of any of the  provisions of this section or  for  making  a  false  statement  in  any  schedule  filed  pursuant  to this section or for failing or refusing in  any manner to comply with any of the provisions of this section.