99-D - Miscellaneous fees.

§ 99-d. Miscellaneous  fees. * 1. Before any substantial alteration to  a licensed premises may be  undertaken  by  or  on  the  behalf  of  any  licensee except a micro-winery or a farm winery, the licensee shall make  an  application  to  the  liquor authority for permission to effect such  alteration. A substantial alteration shall include  any  enlargement  or  contraction  of  a  licensed  premises  whether indoors or outdoors; any  physical change that reduces the visibility that existed at the time  of  licensing;  any  other  physical  changes  in the interior of a licensed  premises that materially affect the character of the premises;  and,  in  the case of establishments licensed for consumption on the premises, any  material  changes  to the dining or kitchen facilities, or any change in  the size or location of any bar within the contemplation of  subdivision  four of section one hundred of this chapter at which alcoholic beverages  are  dispensed. A minor alteration shall be deemed to be one costing and  valued at less than ten thousand  dollars,  which  does  not  materially  affect  the  character  of  the  premises or the physical structure that  existed at  the  time  of  licensing.  Before  commencing  work  on  the  alteration,  any  licensee  other  than  a micro-winery or a farm winery  licensee, shall request permission to effect such minor  alteration  and  shall  submit an affidavit to the liquor authority by filing the same in  person or by certified mail return receipt requested on forms prescribed  by the authority. A winery, micro-winery, or farm winery licensee is not  required to obtain  permission  from  the  authority  to  make  a  minor  alteration  to  its  premises.  The  affidavit  shall include but not be  limited to a description of the proposed alteration, the cost and  value  of  the  alteration,  and  the  source  of  money  making the alteration  possible. Upon receipt of  such  affidavit,  the  authority  shall  have  twenty  days  in  which to review the proposed alteration and notify the  licensee of any objection to the same by certified mail  return  receipt  requested.  If  no  such objection is made within such period permission  shall be deemed  to  have  been  granted.  Work  may  commence  on  such  alteration  if  no  objection  is received by the twenty-fifth day after  filing such affidavit. The cost of an alteration, for purposes  of  this  subdivision,  shall  be  equal to the total sum expended to complete the  proposed alteration excluding professional fees.    * NB Effective until January 11, 2011    * 1. Before any substantial alteration to a licensed premises  may  be  undertaken  by or on the behalf of any licensee except a micro-winery or  a farm winery, the licensee shall make  an  application  to  the  liquor  authority  for  permission  to  effect  such  alteration.  A substantial  alteration shall include any enlargement or contraction  of  a  licensed  premises  whether  indoors or outdoors; any physical change that reduces  the visibility that existed at the time of licensing; any other physical  changes in the interior of a licensed premises  that  materially  affect  the  character  of  the  premises;  and,  in  the case of establishments  licensed for consumption on the premises, any material  changes  to  the  dining  or  kitchen facilities, or any change in the size or location of  any bar within the contemplation of  subdivision  four  of  section  one  hundred  of  this  chapter at which alcoholic beverages are dispensed. A  minor alteration shall be deemed to be one costing and  valued  at  less  than  ten  thousand  dollars,  which  does  not  materially  affect  the  character of the premises or the physical structure that existed at  the  time  of  licensing.  Before  commencing  work  on  the  alteration, any  licensee other than a micro-winery or  a  farm  winery  licensee,  shall  request  permission  to effect such minor alteration and shall submit an  affidavit to the liquor authority by filing the same  in  person  or  by  certified  mail  return  receipt requested or overnight delivery service  with proof of mailing on forms prescribed by the  authority.  A  winery,micro-winery,  or  farm  winery  licensee  is  not  required  to  obtain  permission from  the  authority  to  make  a  minor  alteration  to  its  premises.   The  affidavit  shall  include  but  not  be  limited  to  a  description  of  the  proposed  alteration,  the  cost  and value of the  alteration, and the source of money making the alteration possible. Upon  receipt of such affidavit, the authority shall have twenty days in which  to review the  proposed  alteration  and  notify  the  licensee  of  any  objection  to the same by certified mail return receipt requested. If no  such objection is made within such period permission shall be deemed  to  have  been granted. Work may commence on such alteration if no objection  is received by the twenty-fifth day after  filing  such  affidavit.  The  cost  of an alteration, for purposes of this subdivision, shall be equal  to the total sum expended to complete the proposed alteration  excluding  professional fees.    * NB Effective January 11, 2011    2.  Before any change in the members of a limited liability company or  the transfer or  assignment  of  a  membership  interest  in  a  limited  liability   company   or   any   corporate   change   in   stockholders,  stockholdings,  alcoholic  beverage  officers,  officers  or  directors,  except  officers  and  directors  of  a premises licensed as a club or a  luncheon club under this chapter can be effectuated for the purposes  of  this  chapter,  there  shall  be  filed  with  the  liquor  authority an  application for permission to make such change and there shall  be  paid  to  the liquor authority in advance upon filing of the application a fee  of one hundred twenty-eight  dollars  where  the  license  fee  is  five  hundred  dollars  or  more  and  thirteen dollars in all other instances  including  changes  relating  solely  to  officers  and   directors   of  corporations  and  the  alcoholic beverage officer of a club or luncheon  club.    The foregoing provisions of this section shall not be applicable where  there are ten or more stockholders and such change  involves  less  than  ten per centum of the stock of the corporation and the stock holdings of  any  stockholder  are not increased thereby to ten per centum or more of  the stock.    Where the same corporation operates two or  more  premises  separately  licensed  under  this chapter a separate corporate change shall be filed  for each such licensed premises, except as  otherwise  provided  for  by  rule  of  the  liquor  authority.  The corporate change fee provided for  herein shall not be applicable to more than one license held by the same  corporation.    3. Before any removal of a license to  any  premises  other  than  the  licensed  premises  or  to any other part of the building containing the  licensed premises, the licensee shall make an application to the  liquor  authority  for  permission  to  effect such removal and shall pay to the  liquor authority in advance upon filing of the application a fee of  one  hundred  ninety-two  dollars  where the base license fee is five hundred  dollars or more and thirty-two dollars in all other instances.    4. The liquor authority may make such rules as it deems  necessary  to  carry out the provisions of this section.