64 - License to sell liquor at retail for consumption on the premises.

§  64.  License  to  sell  liquor  at  retail  for  consumption on the  premises.   1. Notwithstanding the  provisions  of  subdivision  two  of  section seventeen of this chapter, any person may make an application to  the  appropriate  board  for  a  license  to sell liquor at retail to be  consumed on the premises where sold, and such licenses shall  be  issued  to all applicants except for good cause shown.    2.  Such  application  shall  be  in  such form and shall contain such  information as shall be required by the rules of  the  liquor  authority  and  shall  be accompanied by a check or draft in the amount required by  this article for such license.    * 2-a. Notwithstanding any  other  provision  of  this  chapter,  upon  receipt  of  an  application  for  a  license  under  this  section,  an  application for renewal under section one hundred nine of this  chapter,  or  an  application  for  an  alteration  to  a  premises  licensed  for  consumption on the premises under section ninety-nine-d of this chapter,  the applicant shall notify the clerk of the village, town  or  city,  as  the  case  may  be, by certified mail, return receipt requested, wherein  the prospective licensed premises is to be located or, in the case of an  application for renewal, or alteration where it is presently located not  less than thirty days prior to the submission of its application  for  a  license  under this section or for a renewal thereof pursuant to section  one hundred nine of this chapter. For  the  purposes  of  the  preceding  sentence  notification need only be given to the clerk of a village when  such premises is to be located within the boundaries of the village.  In  the  city  of  New  York,  the  community  board established pursuant to  section  twenty-eight  hundred  of  the  New  York  city  charter   with  jurisdiction  over  the  area  in  which such licensed premises is to be  located shall  be  considered  the  appropriate  public  body  to  which  notification  shall  be  given. Such municipality or community board, as  the case may be, may express an opinion for or against the  granting  of  such  license.  Any such opinion shall be deemed part of the record upon  which the liquor board makes its determination to  grant  or  deny  such  license.    * NB Effective until January 11, 2011    * 2-a.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this chapter, upon  receipt  of  an  application  for  a  license  under  this  section,  an  application  for renewal under section one hundred nine of this chapter,  or  an  application  for  an  alteration  to  a  premises  licensed  for  consumption on the premises under section ninety-nine-d of this chapter,  the  applicant  shall  notify the clerk of the village, town or city, as  the case may be, by certified mail return receipt  requested,  overnight  delivery service with proof of mailing, or personal service, wherein the  prospective  licensed  premises  is  to be located or, in the case of an  application for renewal, or alteration where it is presently located not  less than thirty days prior to the submission of its application  for  a  license  under this section or for a renewal thereof pursuant to section  one hundred nine of this chapter. For  the  purposes  of  the  preceding  sentence  notification need only be given to the clerk of a village when  such premises is to be located within the boundaries of the village.  In  the  city  of  New  York,  the  community  board established pursuant to  section  twenty-eight  hundred  of  the  New  York  city  charter   with  jurisdiction  over  the  area  in  which such licensed premises is to be  located shall  be  considered  the  appropriate  public  body  to  which  notification  shall  be  given. Such municipality or community board, as  the case may be, may express an opinion for or against the  granting  of  such  license.  Any such opinion shall be deemed part of the record upon  which the liquor board makes its determination to  grant  or  deny  such  license.* NB Effective January 11, 2011    3. Section fifty-four shall control so far as applicable the procedure  in connection with such application.    4.  Such  license  shall  in form and in substance be a license to the  person specifically licensed to sell liquors at retail, to  be  consumed  upon  the  premises.  Such  license  shall  also  be deemed to include a  license to sell wine and beer at retail to be consumed  under  the  same  terms and conditions, without the payment of any additional fee.    5.  No  retail  license under this section shall be granted except for  such premises as are being conducted as a bona fide hotel provided  that  a   restaurant  is  operated  in  such  premises,  restaurant,  catering  establishment, club, railroad car, vessel or aircraft being operated  on  regularly scheduled flights by a United States certificated airline.    5-a.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  subdivision  five  of this  section, a liquor license  may  be  issued  under  this  section  to  an  establishment  designated  and commonly known and operated as a "bed and  breakfast" regardless of whether or not a restaurant is operated in such  establishment, provided that such license shall only permit the sale  of  alcoholic beverages to overnight guests of such establishment.    6.  Where  an  on-premise  license  shall be granted to the owner of a  hotel situated in a town or village the  liquor  authority  may  in  its  discretion  grant  to  such  owner the right to sell liquor and wine for  off-premise consumption under the same terms and conditions as apply  to  off-premise  licenses upon the payment of an additional fee of sixty-two  dollars and fifty cents; provided, however, that this  permission  shall  not  be  granted if an off-premise license has been granted for premises  located within eight miles of such hotel.    6-a. The authority may  consider  any  or  all  of  the  following  in  determining  whether  public  convenience  and  advantage and the public  interest will be promoted by the granting of licenses  and  permits  for  the sale of alcoholic beverages at a particular unlicensed location:    (a)  The number, classes and character of licenses in proximity to the  location and in the particular municipality or subdivision thereof.    (b) Evidence  that  all  necessary  licenses  and  permits  have  been  obtained from the state and all other governing bodies.    (c)  Effect  of  the  grant  of  the  license on vehicular traffic and  parking in proximity to the location.    (d) The existing noise level at the location and any increase in noise  level that would be generated by the proposed premises.    (e) The history of liquor violations and reported criminal activity at  the proposed premises.    (f) Any other factors specified by law or regulation that are relevant  to determine the public convenience and advantage and public interest of  the community.    7. No retail license for on-premises consumption shall be granted  for  any premises which shall be    (a)  on  the  same  street  or avenue and within two hundred feet of a  building occupied exclusively as a school, church,  synagogue  or  other  place of worship or    (b)  in a city, town or village having a population of twenty thousand  or more within five hundred feet of  three  or  more  existing  premises  licensed   and   operating   pursuant   to  this  section  and  sections  sixty-four-a, sixty-four-b, sixty-four-c, and/or  sixty-four-d  of  this  article;    (c) the measurements in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdivision are  to be taken in straight lines from the center of the nearest entrance of  the premises sought to be licensed to the center of the nearest entrance  of  such  school,  church, synagogue or other place of worship or to thecenter of the nearest  entrance  of  each  such  premises  licensed  and  operating   pursuant   to   this   section  and  sections  sixty-four-a,  sixty-four-b, sixty-four-c, and/or sixty-four-d of this article; except,  however,  that  no  renewal  license  shall  be  denied  because of such  restriction to any premises so located which were maintained as  a  bona  fide  hotel,  restaurant,  catering establishment or club on or prior to  December fifth, nineteen  hundred  thirty-three;  and,  except  that  no  license  shall  be  denied to any premises at which a license under this  chapter has been in existence continuously from a date prior to the date  when a building on the same street or avenue and within two hundred feet  of said premises has been occupied  exclusively  as  a  school,  church,  synagogue or other place of worship; and except that no license shall be  denied  to  any  premises, which is within five hundred feet of three or  more existing premises licensed and operating pursuant to  this  section  and    sections   sixty-four-a,   sixty-four-b,   sixty-four-c,   and/or  sixty-four-d of this article, at which a license under this chapter  has  been  in  existence continuously on or prior to November first, nineteen  hundred ninety-three; and except that  this  subdivision  shall  not  be  deemed  to restrict the issuance of a hotel liquor license to a building  used as a hotel and in  which  a  restaurant  liquor  license  currently  exists for premises which serve as a dining room for guests of the hotel  and  a  caterer's  license  to  a  person  using  the permanent catering  facilities of a church, synagogue or other place of worship pursuant  to  a written agreement between such person and the authorities in charge of  such  facilities. The liquor authority, in its discretion, may authorize  the removal of any such licensed premises to a different location on the  same street or avenue, within two hundred feet of said  school,  church,  synagogue  or other place of worship, provided that such new location is  not within a closer distance to such school, church, synagogue or  other  place of worship.    (d)  Within the context of this subdivision, the word "entrance" shall  mean a door of a school, of a house of worship, or of premises  licensed  and  operating  pursuant  to  this  section  and  sections sixty-four-a,  sixty-four-b, sixty-four-c, and/or sixty-four-d of this  article  or  of  the  premises  sought  to be licensed, regularly used to give ingress to  students of the school, to the general public  attending  the  place  of  worship, and to patrons or guests of the premises licensed and operating  pursuant  to  this  section  and  sections  sixty-four-a,  sixty-four-b,  sixty-four-c, and/or sixty-four-d of this article  or  of  the  premises  sought to be licensed, except that where a school or house of worship or  premises  licensed  and  operating pursuant to this section and sections  sixty-four-a, sixty-four-b, sixty-four-c, and/or  sixty-four-d  of  this  article  or the premises sought to be licensed is set back from a public  thoroughfare, the walkway or stairs leading to any such  door  shall  be  deemed  an entrance; and the measurement shall be taken to the center of  the walkway or stairs at the point where it meets the building  line  or  public  thoroughfare. A door which has no exterior hardware, or which is  used solely as an emergency or fire exit, or for  maintenance  purposes,  or  which  leads  directly to a part of a building not regularly used by  the general public or patrons, is not deemed an "entrance".    (d-1) Within the context of this subdivision, a building occupied as a  place of worship does not cease to be "exclusively" occupied as a  place  of  worship  by incidental uses that are not of a nature to detract from  the predominant character of the building as a place  of  worship,  such  uses which include, but which are not limited to: the conduct of legally  authorized  games  of  bingo or other games of chance held as a means of  raising  funds  for  the  not-for-profit  religious  organization  which  conducts  services  at  the place of worship or for other not-for-profitorganizations  or  groups;  use  of  the   building   for   fund-raising  performances by or benefitting the not-for-profit religious organization  which  conducts services at the place of worship or other not-for-profit  organizations  or  groups;  the  use  of the building by other religious  organizations or groups for religious services or  other  purposes;  the  conduct  of  social activities by or for the benefit of the congregants;  the use of the building for meetings held  by  organizations  or  groups  providing  bereavement counseling to persons having suffered the loss of  a loved one, or providing advice or support for conditions  or  diseases  including,  but  not  limited  to,  alcoholism,  drug addiction, cancer,  cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, or Alzheimer's disease; the use  of  the  building  for  blood  drives, health screenings, health information  meetings, yoga classes, exercise classes or other activities intended to  promote the health of the congregants or other persons; and use  of  the  building  by  non-congregant members of the community for private social  functions. The building occupied as a place of worship does not cease to  be "exclusively" occupied as a place of worship where the not-for-profit  religious organization  occupying  the  place  of  worship  accepts  the  payment  of  funds to defray costs related to another party's use of the  building.    (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter  to  the  contrary,  the  authority  may  issue  a  license  to  sell  liquor at retail to be  consumed on premises to a club as such term is  defined  in  subdivision  nine  of  section  three  of this chapter whether or not the building in  which the premises for which such  license  is  to  be  issued  is  used  exclusively for club purposes and whether or not such premises is within  two  hundred  feet  of  a building used exclusively as a school, church,  synagogue or place of worship if such club is affiliated  or  associated  with  such  school,  church,  synagogue  or  place  of  worship  and the  governing body of such school,  church,  synagogue  or  other  place  of  worship  has  filed  written  notice  with  the authority that it has no  objection to the issuance of such license.    (e-1)  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  paragraph  (a)  of   this  subdivision,  the  authority  may issue a retail license for on-premises  consumption for a premises which shall be within two hundred feet  of  a  building  occupied  exclusively as a church, synagogue or other place of  worship, provided such premises constitutes a premises for the  sale  of  food  or  beverages  at retail for consumption on the premises and/or an  overnight lodging facility located wholly within the boundaries  of  the  borough  of  Manhattan  in  the city and county of New York, bounded and  described as follows:    BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of 49th Street, distant 160  feet easterly  from  the  corner  formed  by  the  intersection  of  the  southerly  side  of  49th  Street  with the easterly side of 8th Avenue;  running thence southerly, parallel with  8th  Avenue  and  part  of  the  distance  through  a party wall, 100 feet 5 inches to the center line of  the block between 48th and  49th  Streets;  thence  easterly  along  the  center  line  of the block, 40 feet; thence northerly, parallel with 8th  Avenue and part of the distance through a party wall, 100 feet 5  inches  to  the  southerly  side  of  49th  Street;  thence  westerly  along the  southerly side of 49th  Street,  40  feet  to  the  point  or  place  of  beginning.  Premises  known  as  240  and 242 West 49th Street, New York  City. Being the same premises described in deed made  by  Hotel  Mayfair  Inc.  to Harry Etkin and Freda Rubin, dated 1/23/50 and recorded 1/27/50  in liber 4657 Cp. 250.    (e-2)  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  paragraph  (a)  of   this  subdivision,  the  authority  may issue a retail license for on-premises  consumption for a premises which shall be within two hundred feet  of  abuilding  occupied  exclusively as a church, synagogue or other place of  worship, provided such premises constitutes a premises for the  sale  of  food  or  beverages  at  retail  for consumption on the premises located  wholly  within  the  boundaries  of  the  county  of Ulster, bounded and  described as follows:    ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, with the buildings and  improvements erected thereon, situated in  the  Village  of  Ellenville,  Town of Wawarsing, County of Ulster and State of New York, being further  bounded and described as follows:    Beginning  at  a  three-quarter  inch  diameter  iron rod found on the  southwesterly bounds of Canal Street, marking the  northeasterly  corner  of  the lands, now or formerly, John Georges, as described in liber 2645  of deeds at page 278.    Thence along the southeasterly bounds of the lands  of  John  Georges,  passing  1.42  feet  northwesterly  from the southwesterly corner of the  building situated on the premises described  herein,  South  thirty-nine  degrees,  forty-one  minutes,  fifty-two seconds West, one hundred fifty  and zero hundredths feet (S 39-41-52 W, 150.00')  to  the  northeasterly  bounds  of  the  lands,  now or formerly, Thomas Powers, as described in  liber 1521 of deeds at page 749. Thence along the  northeasterly  bounds  of the lands of Thomas Powers, South fifty degrees, thirty-nine minutes,  sixteen  seconds East, twenty-eight and zero hundredths feet (S 50-39-16  E, 28.00').    Thence passing 1.92 feet southeasterly from the  southeasterly  corner  of  the  building  situated  on  the  premises  described  herein. North  thirty-nine degrees, forty-one  minutes,  fifty-two  seconds  East,  one  hundred  fifty  and  zero hundredths feet (N 39-41-52 E, 150.00') to the  southwesterly bounds of Canal Street.    Thence along the southwesterly bounds of  Canal  Street,  North  fifty  degrees,  thirty-nine  minutes,  sixteen  seconds West, twenty-eight and  zero hundredths feet (N 50-39-16 W, 28.00') to the point of beginning.    Containing 4,199.92 square feet of land or 0.0996 of an acre of land.    Being the same premises as conveyed by deed dated  September  2,  1999  from  Chris M. Camio as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Alice  Manzo to Bill Lelbach, John Eckert, Jeffrey Schneider, Jack  Harris  and  Alfred S. Dannhauser and recorded in the Ulster County Clerk's Office on  September 15, 1999 in Liber 2966 at page 291.    The undivided interests of John Harris and Alfred S. Dannhauser having  been conveyed to Bill Lelbach by deed dated August 21, 2001 and recorded  in the Ulster County Clerk's Office in Liber 3213 p 65.    (e-3)   Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  paragraph  (a)  of  this  subdivision, the authority may issue a retail  license  for  on-premises  consumption  for  a premises which shall be within two hundred feet of a  building occupied  exclusively  as  a  school,  provided  such  premises  constitutes  a  premises for the sale of food or beverages at retail for  consumption on the premises and/or an overnight lodging facility located  wholly within the boundaries of the borough of Manhattan in the city and  county of New York, bounded and described as follows:    Beginning at a point on the southerly side  of  46th  street,  distant  three  hundred  fifty  (350) feet westerly from the corner formed by the  intersection of  the  westerly  side  of  Sixth  Avenue  with  the  said  southerly  side  of  46th street. Running thence southerly parallel with  the said westerly side of Sixth Avenue and  for  part  of  the  distance  through  a  party  wall,  one hundred (100) feet four (4) inches; thence  westerly parallel with the southerly side of 46th  street,  eighty  (80)  feet;  thence  northerly  again parallel with the westerly side of Sixth  Avenue, one hundred (100) feet four (4) inches to the southerly side  of  46th  street;  and thence easterly along the said southerly side of 46thstreet, eighty (80) feet to the point or place  of  beginning.  Premises  known  as  130  West 46th Street, New York City. Being the same premises  described in deed made by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company to  West  46th Street Hotel, LLC, dated 12/22/06 and recorded 2/06/07 in the  Office of the City Register, New York County, on  February  6,  2007  as  CFRN 2007000069808.    (f)   Notwithstanding   the   provisions  of  paragraph  (b)  of  this  subdivision, the authority may issue a license pursuant to this  section  for  a premises which shall be within five hundred feet of three or more  existing premises licensed and operating pursuant to  this  section  and  sections  sixty-four-a,  sixty-four-b, sixty-four-c, and/or sixty-four-d  of  this  article  if,  after  consultation  with  the  municipality  or  community  board,  it  determines that granting such license would be in  the public interest. Before it may issue any such license, the authority  shall  conduct  a  hearing,  upon  notice  to  the  applicant  and   the  municipality  or community board, and shall state and file in its office  its reasons therefor. Notice to  the  municipality  or  community  board  shall  mean  written notice mailed by the authority to such municipality  or community board at least fifteen  days  in  advance  of  any  hearing  scheduled pursuant to this paragraph. Upon the request of the authority,  any  municipality  or  community  board may waive the fifteen day notice  requirement. No premises having been granted a license pursuant to  this  section  shall be denied a renewal of such license upon the grounds that  such premises are within five hundred feet of a  building  or  buildings  wherein  three  or  more premises are licensed and operating pursuant to  this section  and  sections  sixty-four-a,  sixty-four-b,  sixty-four-c,  and/or sixty-four-d of this article.    8.  A  license  issued  for  such premises as are being conducted as a  catering establishment  shall  authorize  the  holder  thereof  to  sell  alcoholic  beverages at retail during such period of time as a function,  occasion or event is in  progress  therein  and  then  only  to  persons  invited  to  and attending such function, occasion or event and only for  consumption on the premises where sold.    9. A retail license under this section may be granted for  a  premises  being  conducted  as  a restaurant and located in the area leased by the  city of New York to the New York World's Fair 1964-1965 pursuant to  the  provisions  of chapter four hundred twenty-eight of the laws of nineteen  hundred sixty as amended by chapter nine hundred nine  of  the  laws  of  nineteen  hundred  sixty-one  during the term or duration of such lease,  notwithstanding the fact that said premises is not open to  the  general  public  as required by this chapter provided that such premises has been  designated as an authorized  facility  of  the  New  York  World's  Fair  1964-1965  Corporation and has been certified to the liquor authority by  said corporation as such.