61 - Distiller's licenses.
§ 61. Distiller's licenses. 1. A class A distiller's license shall authorize the holder thereof to operate a distillery for the manufacture of liquors by distillation or redistillation at the premises specifically designated in the license. Such a license shall also authorize the sale in bulk by such licensee from the licensed premises of the products manufactured under such license to any person holding a distiller's class A license, a distiller's class B license or a permittee engaged in the manufacture of products which are unfit for beverage use. It shall also authorize the sale from the licensed premises and from one other location in the state of New York of any liquor whether or not manufactured by such licensee to a wholesale or retail liquor licensee or permittee in sealed containers of not more than one quart each. Such license shall also include the privilege to operate a rectifying plant under the same terms and conditions as the holder of a class B distiller's license without the payment of any additional fee. 1-a. A class A-1 distiller's license shall authorize the holder thereof to operate a distillery which has a production capacity of no more than thirty-five thousand gallons per year for the manufacture of liquors by distillation or redistillation at the premises specifically designated in the license. Such a license shall also authorize the sale in bulk by such licensee from the licensed premises of the products manufactured under such license to any person holding a winery license, farm winery license, distiller's class A license, a distiller's class B license or a permittee engaged in the manufacture of products which are unfit for beverage use. It shall also authorize the sale from the licensed premises and from one other location in the state of New York of liquors manufactured by such licensee to a wholesale or retail liquor licensee or permittee in sealed containers of not more than one quart each. In addition, it shall authorize such licensee to sell from the licensed premises New York state labelled liquors to a farm winery licensee in sealed containers of not more than one quart for retail sale for off-premises consumption. Such license shall also include the privilege to operate a rectifying plant under the same terms and conditions as the holder of a class B-1 distiller's license without the payment of any additional fee. 2. A class B distiller's license shall authorize the holder thereof to operate a rectifying plant for the manufacture of the products of rectification by purifying or combining alcohol, spirits, wine or beer and the manufacture of gin and cordials by the redistillation of alcohol or spirits over or with any materials. Such a license shall also authorize the holder thereof to blend, reduce proof and bottle on his licensed premises or in a United States customs bonded warehouse for which a warehouse permit has been issued under this chapter for wholesale liquor licensees or for persons authorized to sell liquor at wholesale pursuant to the laws and regulation of any other state, territorial possession of the United States or foreign country liquor received in bulk by such wholesalers from other states, territorial possessions of the United States or a foreign country, and to rebottle or recondition for wholesale liquor or wine licensees or for persons authorized to sell liquor or wine at wholesale pursuant to the laws and regulations of any other state, territorial possession of the United States or foreign country, liquor or wine manufactured outside the state, which was purchased and received by such wholesalers in sealed containers not exceeding one quart each of liquor or fifteen gallons each of wine. Such a license shall also authorize the sale from the licensed premises of the products manufactured by such licensee to awholesale or retail licensee in sealed containers of not more than one quart each. 2-a. A class C distiller's license shall authorize the holder thereof to operate a distillery for the manufacture only of fruit brandy and the sale of such product by such licensee to a wholesale or retail licensee in sealed containers of not more than one quart each. Such a license shall also authorize the sale in bulk of fruit brandy to a winery licensee, to a farm winery licensee, to the holder of a class B distiller's license or to a permittee engaged in the manufacture of products which are unfit for beverage use. It shall also authorize the sale from the licensed premises and from one other location in the state of any fruit brandy whether or not manufactured by such licensee to a wholesale or retail liquor licensee or permittee in sealed containers of not more than one quart each. In addition, it shall authorize such licensee to sell from the licensed premises New York state labelled liquors to a farm winery licensee in sealed containers of not more than one quart for retail sale for off-premises consumption. 2-b. A class B-1 distiller's license shall authorize the holder thereof to operate a rectifying plant which has a production capacity of no more than thirty-five thousand gallons per year for the manufacture of the products of rectification by purifying or combining alcohol, spirits, wine, or beer and the manufacture of cordials by the redistillation of alcohol or spirits over or with any materials. Such a license shall also authorize the holder thereof to blend, reduce proof and bottle on his licensed premises or in a United States customs bonded warehouse for which a warehouse permit has been issued under this chapter for wholesale liquor licensees or for persons authorized to sell liquor at wholesale pursuant to the laws and regulation of any other state, territorial possession of the United States or foreign country liquor received in bulk by such wholesalers from other states, territorial possessions of the United States or a foreign country, and to rebottle or recondition for wholesale liquor or wine licensees or for persons authorized to sell liquor or wine at wholesale pursuant to the laws and regulations of any other state, territorial possession of the United States or foreign country, liquor or wine manufactured outside the state, which was purchased and received by such wholesalers in sealed containers not exceeding one quart each of liquor or fifteen gallons each of wine. Such a license shall also authorize the sale from the licensed premises of the products manufactured by such licensee to a wholesale or retail licensee in sealed containers of not more than one quart each. In addition, it shall authorize such licensee to sell from the licensed premises New York state labelled liquors to a farm winery licensee in sealed containers of not more than one quart for retail sale for off-premises consumption. 2-c. (a) A class D distiller's license, otherwise known as a farm distillery license, shall authorize the holder of such a license to operate a farm distillery at the premises specifically designated in the license: (i) To manufacture liquor primarily from farm and food products, as defined in subdivision two of section two hundred eighty-two of the agriculture and markets law; (ii) To put such liquor into containers of not more than one quart each, which containers shall then be sealed and to sell such liquor at wholesale, for resale, and to wholesale and retail licensees and permittees; (iii) To sell at retail, for personal use, in such sealed containers; and(iv) To sell in bulk, liquor manufactured by the licensee to a winery or farm winery licensee, or to the holder of a class A, A-1, B, B-1 or C distiller's license, or to the holder of a permit issued pursuant to paragraph c of subdivision one of section ninety-nine-b of this chapter. (b)(i) Retail sales by a licensed farm distillery may be made only to customers who are physically present upon the licensed premises and such sale shall be concluded by the customer's taking, with him or her, of the sealed containers purchased by the customer at the time the customer leaves the licensed premises; (ii) Such retail sales shall not be made where the order is placed by letter, telephone, fax or e-mail, or where the customer otherwise does not place the order while the customer is physically present upon the premises of the licensed premises; (iii) Such retail sales shall not be made where the contemplated sale requires the licensee to transport or ship by common carrier, sealed containers of liquor to a customer. (c) A licensed farm distillery may conduct upon the licensed premises consumer tastings of liquor manufactured by the licensee and from no more than three other class A, A-1, B, B-1, C or D distilleries, subject to the following limitations: (i) Only liquor manufactured primarily from farm and food products, as defined in subdivision two of section two hundred eighty-two of the agriculture and markets law, shall be used in the tastings; (ii) An official agent, servant or employee of the licensee shall be physically present at all times during the conduct of the consumer tasting of liquor; (iii) No consumer may be provided, directly or indirectly: (A) more than three samples of liquor for tasting in one calendar day; or (B) with a sample of liquor for tasting equal to more than one-quarter fluid ounce; (iv) Any liability stemming from a right of action resulting from a consumer tasting of liquor authorized by this paragraph and in accordance with the provisions of sections 11-100 and 11-101 of the general obligations law, shall accrue to the licensee. (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the authority may issue a farm distillery license to the holder of a class A, A-1, B, B-1 or C distiller's license, a winery license or a farm winery license for use at such licensee's existing licensed premises. For the purposes of this chapter, the premises of the class A, A-1, B, B-1 or C distillery, winery or farm winery shall be considered the premises of the farm distillery. The holder of a farm distillery license that simultaneously holds a winery, farm winery or any class of a distiller's license on the same premises may share and use the same tasting room facilities to conduct wine and liquor tastings that such licensee is otherwise authorized to conduct. (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the holder of a farm distillery license may apply to the authority for a license to sell beer, wine and liquor for consumption on the premises in a restaurant operated on or adjacent to the licensed farm distillery. All the provisions of this chapter relative to licensees to sell beer, wine or liquor at retail for consumption on the premises shall apply so far as applicable to such application. (f) No holder of a farm distillery license shall manufacture in excess of thirty-five thousand gallons of liquor annually. In the case of the holder of a class A, A-1, B, B-1 or C distiller's license who operates a farm distillery on the same premises, the liquor manufactured pursuant to the farm distillery license shall not be considered with respect toany limitation on the volume that may be manufactured by the class A, A-1, B, B-1 or C distillery. 3. A distiller's license of any class shall not authorize more than one of said activities, namely, that of a distillery, a rectifying plant or a fruit brandy distillery, and a separate license shall be required for each such activity, except as provided in subdivision one of this section. 4. Any person may apply to the liquor authority for a distiller's license as provided for in this section. Such application shall be in writing and verified and shall contain such information as the liquor authority shall require. Such application shall be accompanied by a check or draft for the amount required by this article for such license. If the liquor authority shall grant the application it shall issue a license in such form as shall be determined by its rules. 5. No distiller shall be engaged in any other business on the licensed premises. No distiller shall sell or agree to sell any liquor, alcohol or spirits to any wholesaler or any retailer who is not duly licensed under this article to sell liquor, alcohol or spirits at wholesale or retail at the time of such agreement and sale or sell or agree to sell any liquor, alcohol or spirits to persons outside the state except pursuant to the laws of the place of such sale or delivery.