Section 76-4-13 - Pesticide dealer license.

76-4-13. Pesticide dealer license.

A.     It is unlawful for any person to act in the capacity of a pesticide dealer, or advertise as, or assume to act as a pesticide dealer at any time without first having obtained an annual license from the department. A license shall be required for each location or outlet located within this state from which pesticides are distributed. Any manufacturer, registrant or distributor who has no pesticide dealer outlet licensed within this state and who distributes pesticides directly into this state shall obtain a pesticide dealer license for his principal out-of-state location or outlet.   

B.     Application for a license shall be accompanied by the prescribed annual license fee and shall be on a form provided by the department. The application shall include:   

(1)     the full name and title of the person applying for the license;   

(2)     the address of each outlet to be licensed;   

(3)     the principal business address of the applicant;   

(4)     the name of a person domiciled in this state authorized to receive and accept service of summons and legal notices of all kinds for the applicant; and   

(5)     any other necessary information prescribed by the department.   

C.     Provisions of this section shall not apply to a licensed pesticide applicator who sells pesticides only as an integral part of his pesticide application service when the pesticides are dispensed only through an apparatus used for such pesticide application, or any federal, state or county agency, or municipality which provides pesticides only for its own programs.   

D.     Each pesticide dealer shall be responsible for the acts of each individual employed by him in the solicitation and sale of pesticides and all claims and recommendations for the use of pesticides. The dealer license shall be subject to denial, suspension or revocation after a hearing for any violation of the Pesticide Control Act or regulations adopted thereunder, whether committed by the dealer or by an officer, agent or employee of the dealer.