Section 76-20-3 - Market development program.
76-20-3. Market development program.
The department is authorized to and may engage in a program of agricultural market development, which may include but not be limited to the following services and functions:
A. assisting in the development of new markets or expansion of existing markets for farm products produced or processed in the state;
B. disseminating information relating to the availability, quality and use of farm products;
C. collecting and disseminating information relating to prospective market conditions as well as current supplies, demand and prices of farm products;
D. serving as an intermediary between prospective purchasers and sellers of farm products as to source of supply and demand;
E. cooperating with and aiding farmers and other producers of farm and food products and distributors and consumers of such products in improving and maintaining an efficient system of distribution and marketing in reaching advantageous markets;
F. developing and implementing certification standards in cooperation with the affected growers and industry for the branding of agricultural products that may receive unique labels based on region of origin, variety or other special characteristics; provided that nothing in this subsection shall be construed to affect the trademark or copyright of an agricultural product or convey authority for trademarks or copyrights;
G. accepting and receiving grants from public or private agencies for expenditure in furtherance of the purposes of the Agricultural Market Development Act of 1979;
H. consulting with other states in the development of joint programs for the establishment and development of markets on a mutual or regional basis; and
I. performing such other services as may be necessary to fulfill the purposes of the Agricultural Market Development Act of 1979.