Section 74-9-2 - Purposes.

74-9-2. Purposes.

The purposes of the Solid Waste Act are to:   

A.     authorize and direct the establishment of a comprehensive solid waste management program;   

B.     provide technical, financial and program development assistance to counties and municipalities for solid waste management;   

C.     enhance the beauty and quality of the environment; conserve, recover and recycle resources; and protect the public health, safety and welfare;   

D.     plan for and regulate, in the most economically feasible, cost-effective and environmentally safe manner, the reduction, storage, collection, transportation, separation, processing, recycling and disposal of solid waste;   

E.     provide the opportunity and incentive for counties and municipalities to plan adequately and provide for cost-effective and environmentally safe solid waste management at the local level;   

F.     require issuance of permits for the construction, operation and, if applicable, closure and postclosure maintenance of solid waste facilities;   

G.     promote source reduction, recycling, reuse, treatment and transformation of solid waste as viable alternatives to disposal of those wastes by landfill disposal methods; and   

H.     require the state and its agencies, instrumentalities and political subdivisions to develop procurement policies that aid and promote the development of recycling recyclable materials.