Section 72-20-38 - Powers of public bodies.
72-20-38. Powers of public bodies.
The governing body of any municipality, federally authorized Indian nation, pueblo or tribe or other public body, upon its behalf and in its name, for the purpose of aiding and cooperating in the determination of any authority boundary or any project authorized in the Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Act, upon the terms and with or without consideration and with or without an election, as the governing body determines, may exercise the following powers:
A. sell, lease, loan, donate, grant, convey, assign, transfer and otherwise dispose to the authority, sewer facilities or any other property, or any interest therein, appertaining to a flood control system;
B. make available for temporary use or otherwise dispose to the authority of any machinery, equipment, facilities and other property, and any agents, employees, persons with professional training, and any other persons, to effect the purposes of the Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Act. Any such property and persons owned or in the employ of any public body while engaged in performing for the authority any service, activity or undertaking authorized in the Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Act, pursuant to contract or otherwise, shall have and retain all of the powers, privileges, immunities, rights and duties of and shall be deemed to be engaged in the service and employment of such public body, notwithstanding such service, activity or undertaking is being performed in or for the authority;
C. enter into any agreement or joint agreement between or among the federal government, the authority and any other public body, or any combination thereof, extending over any period not exceeding fifty years, which is mutually agreed thereby, notwithstanding any law to the contrary, respecting action or proceedings appertaining to any power granted in the Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Act, and the use or joint use of any facilities, project or other property authorized in that act;
D. sell, lease, loan, donate, grant, convey, assign, transfer or pay over to the authority any facilities or any project authorized in the Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Act, or any part thereof, or any interest in real or personal property, or any funds available for acquisition, improvement or equipment purposes, including the proceeds of any securities previously or hereafter issued for acquisition, improvement or equipment purposes that may be used by the authority in the acquisition, improvement, equipment, maintenance or operation of any facilities or project authorized in that act;
E. transfer, grant, convey or assign and set over to the authority any contracts that may have been awarded by the public body for the acquisition, improvement or equipment of any project not begun or if begun, not completed;
F. budget and appropriate, and each municipality or other public body is hereby required and directed to budget and appropriate, from time to time, general (ad valorem) tax proceeds, and other revenues legally available therefor to pay all obligations arising from the exercise of any powers granted in the Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Act as such obligations shall accrue and become due;
G. provide for an agency, by any agreement authorized in the Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Act, to administer or execute that or any collateral agreement, which agency may be one of the parties to the agreement, or a commission or board constituted pursuant to the agreement;
H. provide that any such agency shall possess the common power specified in the agreement, and may exercise it in the manner or according to the method provided in the agreement. Such power is subject to the restrictions upon the manner of exercising the power of any one of the contracting parties, which party shall be designated by the agreement; and
I. continue any agreement authorized in the Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Act for a definite term not exceeding fifty years, or until rescinded or terminated, which agreement may provide for the method by which it may be rescinded or terminated by any party.