Section 70-5-9 - Annual license fees; inspection fees.
70-5-9. Annual license fees; inspection fees.
A. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of administering the laws relating to the use of CNG in motor vehicles or the LP gas industry, each person, firm or corporation, at the time of application for a license and annually thereafter on or before December 31 of each calendar year, shall pay to the bureau reasonable license fees as set, classified and defined by the bureau for each operating location. Provided, the total annual fees charged any one licensee for a combination of LP gas activities at one location and subject to licensure under this section shall not exceed three hundred fifty dollars ($350), and the fee charged for any single activity or operation as set, classified and defined by the bureau shall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150).
B. Nothing in the LPG and CNG Act [this article] is intended to alter the jurisdiction of the state corporation commission [public regulation commission], pipeline safety department.
C. In addition, there shall be paid a reasonable fee for the safety inspection, made by a representative of the bureau, of each LP gas bulk storage plant, LP gas liquid transfer facility and of the LP gas equipment on each vehicular unit used for transportation of LP gas in bulk quantities. The fee shall be set by the bureau and shall not be assessed more frequently than once in each twelve months. The bureau may also charge a reasonable fee for late payment of any fees.
D. No annual license fee fixed by the bureau as provided in this section shall become effective until after notice to each licensee has been made and hearing held on the proposed annual license fees in the manner provided by Section 70-5-14 NMSA 1978. At the conclusion of any hearing, the bureau shall enter its findings and decision in writing as a regulation, and the regulation shall be filed as provided by the State Rules Act [Chapter 14, Article 4 NMSA 1978].