Section 70-5-1 - Definitions.

70-5-1. Definitions. 

As used in the LPG and CNG Act:   

A.     "liquefied petroleum gases", "LPG" and "LP gas" means any material that is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons or mixtures of them:  propane, propylene, butanes (normal butane or iso-butane) and butylenes;   

B.     "compressed natural gases" and "CNG" means mixtures of hydrocarbon gases and vapors consisting principally of methane in gaseous form, which has been compressed for vehicular fuel;   

C.     "product" or "products" of liquefied petroleum gases or compressed natural gases are considered to be liquefied petroleum gases or compressed natural gases respectively;   

D.     "qualified instructor" means an employee who has passed the required examination and performed for at least one year the work being taught;   

E.     "inspector" means a person hired by the bureau to enforce under administrative direction the laws and safety rules and regulations of the LP gas industry and the use of CNG in motor vehicles;   

F.     "division" means the construction industries division of the regulation and licensing department;   

G.     "bureau" means the liquefied petroleum and compressed gas bureau of the division; and   

H.     "commission" means the construction industries commission.