Section 7-9-3.5 - Definition; gross receipts.

7-9-3.5. Definition; gross receipts.

A.     As used in the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act:

(1)     "gross receipts" means the total amount of money or the value of other consideration received from selling property in New Mexico, from leasing or licensing property employed in New Mexico, from granting a right to use a franchise employed in New Mexico, from selling services performed outside New Mexico, the product of which is initially used in New Mexico, or from performing services in New Mexico.  In an exchange in which the money or other consideration received does not represent the value of the property or service exchanged, "gross receipts" means the reasonable value of the property or service exchanged; 

(2)     "gross receipts" includes: 

(a)     any receipts from sales of tangible personal property handled on consignment; 

(b)     the total commissions or fees derived from the business of buying, selling or promoting the purchase, sale or lease, as an agent or broker on a commission or fee basis, of any property, service, stock, bond or security; 

(c)     amounts paid by members of any cooperative association or similar organization for sales or leases of personal property or performance of services by such organization;  

(d)     amounts received from transmitting messages or conversations by persons providing telephone or telegraph services; 

(e)     amounts received by a New Mexico florist from the sale of flowers, plants or other products that are customarily sold by florists where the sale is made pursuant to orders placed with the New Mexico florist that are filled and delivered outside New Mexico by an out-of-state florist; and

(f)     the receipts of a home service provider from providing mobile telecommunications services to customers whose place of primary use is in New Mexico if:  1) the mobile telecommunications services originate and terminate in the same state, regardless of where the services originate, terminate or pass through; and 2) the charges for mobile telecommunications services are billed by or for a customer's home service provider and are deemed provided by the home service provider.  For the purposes of this section, "home service provider", "mobile telecommunications services", "customer" and "place of primary use" have the meanings given in the federal Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act; and

(3)     "gross receipts" excludes: 

(a)     cash discounts allowed and taken; 

(b)     New Mexico gross receipts tax, governmental gross receipts tax and leased vehicle gross receipts tax payable on transactions for the reporting period;

(c)     taxes imposed pursuant to the provisions of any local option gross receipts tax that is payable on transactions for the reporting period;

(d)     any gross receipts or sales taxes imposed by an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo; provided that the tax is approved, if approval is required by federal law or regulation, by the secretary of the interior of the United States; and provided further that the gross receipts or sales tax imposed by the Indian nation, tribe or pueblo provides a reciprocal exclusion for gross receipts, sales or gross receipts-based excise taxes imposed by the state or its political subdivisions; 

(e)     any type of time-price differential; 

(f)     amounts received solely on behalf of another in a disclosed agency capacity; and

(g)     amounts received by a New Mexico florist from the sale of flowers, plants or other products that are customarily sold by florists where the sale is made pursuant to orders placed with an out-of-state florist for filling and delivery in New Mexico by a New Mexico florist.

B.     When the sale of property or service is made under any type of charge, conditional or time-sales contract or the leasing of property is made under a leasing contract, the seller or lessor may elect to treat all receipts, excluding any type of time-price differential, under such contracts as gross receipts as and when the payments are actually received.  If the seller or lessor transfers the seller's or lessor's interest in any such contract to a third person, the seller or lessor shall pay the gross receipts tax upon the full sale or leasing contract amount, excluding any type of time-price differential.