Section 69-25A-5 - Regulations. (Repealed effective July 1, 2014.)
69-25A-5. Regulations. (Repealed effective July 1, 2014.)
A. The commission shall adopt and file such reasonable regulations as are necessary to implement the Surface Mining Act [Chapter 69, Article 25A NMSA 1978] and as are consistent with that act. Such regulations shall be concise and written in plain, understandable language and shall include regulations governing surface coal mining and the issuance of permits during the interim period following the effective date of that act and preceding the date which occurs eight months following the date upon which that act is approved as a part of a state program within the meaning of Section 503 of the federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 U.S.C., Section 1253 (1977). In promulgating the interim regulations, the commission shall consider existing federal law relating to surface coal mining operations. The interim regulations shall govern surface coal mining operations of applicants and permittees during the interim period or until a permittee receives a permit issued pursuant to the Surface Mining Act which shall be valid beyond the interim period. Such regulations shall provide that permits issued during such interim period may be permits either as defined in Section 3 [69-25A-3 NMSA 1978] of the Surface Mining Act or as were previously issued pursuant to Laws 1972, Chapter 68, as amended, and regulations issued pursuant to such laws. Such permits shall be subject to performance standard regulations promulgated pursuant to the Surface Mining Act.
B. Except for the persons having a permit to which Section 9 [69-25A-9 NMSA 1978] of the Surface Mining Act is applicable, no person shall engage in or carry out any surface coal mining operations during the interim period unless such person has first obtained a permit issued by the director pursuant to regulations promulgated for the interim period under Subsection A of this section.