Section 62-17-5 - Commission approval; energy efficiency and load management programs; disincentives.
62-17-5. Commission approval; energy efficiency and load management programs; disincentives.
A. Pursuant to the findings and purpose of the Efficient Use of Energy Act, the commission shall consider public utility acquisition of cost-effective energy efficiency and load management resources to be in the public interest.
B. The commission shall direct public utilities to evaluate and implement cost-effective programs that reduce energy demand and consumption.
C. Before the commission approves an energy efficiency and load management program for a public utility, it must find that the portfolio of programs is cost-effective and designed to provide every affected customer class with the opportunity to participate and benefit economically. The commission shall determine the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency and load management measures using the total resource cost test.
D. The commission shall act expeditiously on public utility requests for approval of energy efficiency or load management programs.
E. Public utilities shall obtain commission approval of energy efficiency and load management programs before they are implemented. Public utilities proposing new energy efficiency and load management programs shall, before seeking commission approval, solicit nonbinding recommendations on the design, implementation and use of third-party energy service contractors through competitive bidding on the programs from commission staff, the attorney general, the energy, minerals and natural resources department and other interested parties. The commission may for good cause require utilities to solicit competitive bids for energy efficiency and load management resources.
F. The commission shall, upon petition or its own motion, identify regulatory disincentives or barriers for public utility expenditures on energy efficiency and load management measures and ensure that they are removed in a manner that balances the public interest, consumers' interests and investors' interests. The commission shall also provide public utilities an opportunity to earn a profit on cost-effective energy efficiency and load management resource development that, with satisfactory program performance, is financially more attractive to the utility than supply-side utility resources.
G. Public utilities providing electricity and natural gas service to New Mexico customers shall, subject to commission approval, acquire all cost-effective and achievable energy efficiency and load management resources available in their service territories. This requirement, however, for public utilities providing electricity service, shall not be less than savings of five percent of 2005 total retail kilowatt-hour sales to New Mexico customers in calendar year 2014 and ten percent of 2005 total retail kilowatt-hour sales to New Mexico customers in 2020 as a result of energy efficiency and load management programs implemented starting in 2007.
H. A utility that determines it cannot achieve the minimum requirements established in Subsection G of this section shall report to the commission on why it cannot meet those requirements and shall propose alternative requirements based on acquiring all cost-effective and achievable energy efficiency and load management resources. If the commission determines, after hearing, that the minimum requirements of Subsection G of this section exceed the achievable amount of energy efficiency and load management available to the utility, the commission shall establish lower minimum energy savings requirements for the utility based on the maximum amount of energy efficiency and load management that it determines can be achieved.