Section 61-2-10.4 - Contact lens prescription; required elements; restrictions. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)

61-2-10.4. Contact lens prescription; required elements; restrictions. (Repealed effective July 1, 2016.)

A.     A contact lens prescription shall:   

(1)     explicitly state that it is for contact lenses;   

(2)     specify the lens type;   

(3)     include all specifications for the ordering and fabrication of the lenses;   

(4)     include the date of issue, the name and address of the patient and the name and address of the prescriber; and   

(5)     indicate a specific date of expiration, which shall be twenty-four months from the date of the prescription, unless, in the professional opinion of the prescriber, a longer or shorter expiration date is in the best interests of the patient.   

B.     A contact lens shall be fitted to a patient at the prescriber's place of practice.   

C.     A prescriber may extend a patient's prescription without completing another eye examination of the patient.   

D.     A prescriber shall not write a contact lens prescription until he has determined all the requirements of a satisfactory fit.   

E.     A contact lens prescription may include a statement of caution or a disclaimer, if the statement or disclaimer is supported by appropriate findings and documented patient records.   

F.     The words "OK for contact or corneal lenses", "fit with contact or corneal lenses", "contact or corneal lenses may be worn" or similar wording do not constitute a contact lens prescription.   

G.     If, in the professional opinion of the prescriber, a patient is not adhering to an appropriate regimen of care and follow-up with regard to the use of contact lenses, the prescriber may terminate his care of that patient. The prescriber shall notify the patient in writing that the prescriber is terminating care and shall state his reasons for doing so.